Rope Climbing - Level 3
Mountain Climbers - Level 2
Chair Squats - Level 3
Triceps Dips - Level 3
Leg Lift Abs - Level 1
Wall Sits - Level 3
I really hope that this challenged you all b/c I know that it did for me. As we speak - my wife is making a recipe out of the Biggest Loser cookbook and it smells delicious. I wish that I had some awesome words to add to this post but I just can't think of anything; I just feel so
For those of you that are doing these workouts with me, do not get overwhelmed with the workouts but keep with it. You can do this! Thanks so much for doing this with me.
If you Are Participating - Comment Below letting us know how You Did.
Formula for max heart rate: (208 – (.7 * age))
Formula for target heart rate: 50% - 70% of Max heart rate (MHR *.5 or .7)
- Stretch -
30 Minutes Cardio: This can take place any time throughout the day and should consist of an intensity level that can promote and create weight loss. I do my cardio immediately before my workout – the workout becomes much harder. I have added a couple more exercises on today’s workout. I want to make sure that everyone is challenged. Do your best to complete the entire workout. If you have no trouble completing the workout, consider upping the level that you are working at.
Exercise 1 – Rope Climbing Crunches (
• Level 1 = 3 sets of 10 reps (reach, reach, 1; reach, reach, 2; reach, reach, 3)
• Level 2 = 3 sets of 12 reps (reach, reach, 1; reach, reach, 2; reach, reach, 3)
• Level 3 = 3 sets of 16 reps (reach, reach, 1; reach, reach, 2; reach, reach, 3)
Exercise 2 – Chair Squats (
• Level 1 = 2 sets of 12 (one rep equals one squat)
• Level 2 = 3 sets of 12 (one rep equals one squat)
• Level 3 = 3 sets of 15 (one rep equals one squat)
Exercise 3 – Mountain Climbers exercise (
• Level 1 = 3 sets of 20 seconds (one set is 20 sec. nonstop)
• Level 2 = 3 sets of 30 seconds (one set is 30 sec. nonstop)
• Level 3 = 3 sets of 40 seconds (one set is 40 sec. nonstop)
Exercises 4 – Leg lift Abs Exercise (
• Level 1 = 3 sets of 8. (1 rep equals one lift and extension)
• Level 2 = 3 sets of 12. (1 rep equals one lift and extension)
• Level 3 = 3 sets of 16. (1 rep equals one lift and extension)
Exercise 5 – Jumping Jacks (
• Level 1 = 4 sets of 10 (1 rep equals from start to finish)
• Level 2 = 4 sets of 15. (1 rep equals from start to finish)
• Level 3 = 4 sets of 20. (1 rep equals from start to finish)
Exercise 6 – Triceps Dips (
• Level 1 = 3 sets of 8 (1 rep equals one dip)
• Level 2 = 3 sets of 12 (1 rep equals one dip)
• Level 3 = 3 sets of 14 (1 rep equals one dip)
Exercise 7 – Wall Sits (
• Level 1 = hold sit for 20 seconds. 2 sets (one set equals 20 sec. hold)
• Level 2 = hold sit for 30 seconds. 3 sets (one set equals 30 sec. hold)
• Level 3 = hold sit for 40 seconds. 3 sets (one set equals 40 sec. hold)
- Stretch -
If You would like to join in with the remaining 5 workouts -- Comment Below with your Email!