Not two.
But Three.
Three Thanksgiving meals that I took part in and the question I had for myself was, "how was I going to recover from them?".
The answer: All at the same time.
I didn't stuff myself. I ate comfortably and felt comfortable afterwards but it so happened that all three meals took place within a day and a half.
Wednesday Lunch. Wednesday Dinner. Thursday Lunch. That leaves only one opportunity to recover and regroup from the delicious food instead of three different days and recovery times. ha.
You would think that after three Turkey Dinners in 24 hours that I'd be rolling around everywhere but that wasn't the case. To be honest, my favorite part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers.
I love sandwiches and cold turkey leftovers as a sandwich is awesome.
I believe that I handled myself during the holiday eating pretty well.
I even had enough energy to go out and brave all of the crazies at Walmart.
I was almost trampled when they gave the go ahead for shoppers to start grabbing things. People were nuts. In all seriousness though, who advertises something at a great price and then only gets less then 20 items for the whole store.
Sedalia is not huge, but come on man!
I know many are doing the 30 days of Thankfulness, but I will do just one publicly.
I am thankful for my wife, my son, and the opportunities that I have had in my life to be where I am at. I am thankful for my work. I am thankful for those that I work with and those that I have in my life. Life is not perfect but I am thankful for the blessings that I have and hope that I am always aware of those blessings!
Healthy U update: Anticipation is killing me. Jan. 8th can't get here soon enough. I understand it might not mean much for those just reading about the program from here but it'd definitely be a blessing. I think the reason why so many people choose not to get healthy is that they don't know where to start or have the resources readily available.