So I'm sitting here watching the Biggest Loser and for some reason I remembered the time that I actually thought about filling out the application to join the show. I even printed it off. I probably would not have met the size requirement but the fact that I had the thought made me think of how far I have come from then. It was a mindset that I had. It's been 40 days into the new year and it's been great so far. As long as I can remember - when it came to trying to be healthier, I constantly failed. I would start a "diet" and then leave it when something better came along (usually fast food). There is something different about this. It's not a "diet" but a change of lifestyle. It's a change in mind set. My mind is clear and I think about what is good and bad now. I weigh the decisions more and try to make the better decision. This is not a shallow attempt to have the appearance of perfection because I do eat things that aren't the best choice. I still allow myself a sweet snack every day but it is with purpose. I know that I would binge if I did not. This allows me the opportunity to have the sweet but control the amount of sweets. This is just my routine that seems to be working thus far. This may not be for everyone however. It's good to have the many other bloggers out there that share a similar story. I thought that I would give a few of those bloggers that I constantly read some love and post them below.
These are just a couple of people that I read daily or as soon as they get a post up. They keep me inspired. I also have included a photo of me with the final look at the Super Bowl Snack stuff that I won from a drawing that
Johnisfit held.

Look at that beard. I started growing just before I started this journey to better health. I do have to say that it is getting pretty fierce.
Food Intake:
1. 1 3/4 cup of Raisin Bran Cereal
2. banana
3. oven roasted chicken breast sandwich
4. 10 pretzels
5. 2 cookies
6. 12 oz sprite
7. oven roasted chicken on a bed of salad with ALL of the available vegetables
8. 60+ oz of water
9. Peach smoothies - yogurt, banana, agave nectar, milk, peaches
Workout: treadmill --- 4.2 miles
Miles til Year Goal: 928.32
I love reading blogs as well. I get constant inspiration from all of you. Thanks for the shoutout!
Thanks for the love! I'm working to get a post up tonight before I go to bed, but my home computer is being a pain. I should have a new one after my move! (2/27) COUNTING DOWN!
I love reading blogs too!
And up until this week when I decided to cut out sugar I've been the same way with sweet stuff - I allowed a treat a day to keep myself in control. That worked well but now I'm experimenting with nothing at all.
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