Okay - I do not know if it is broken but it is not good. I was playing basketball as I normally do on Sunday nights and I was fighting for a rebound. I'm not tall but I have found myself jumping higher than I use too. I think it is about as high as it was in high school --- which I am pretty stoked about. I landed on two different feet with my one feet. My ankle/foot kind of just skipped over both feet and then the ground. Rolled it around two or three times I'd say. Everyone else stopped - not b/c I yelled out in pain but b/c they heard....the pop. I'm not really sure what the pop was but it didn't

sound good and it ended my night of ball. It is so swollen right now - but elevated and is being iced.
My first thoughts were: (1) hospital or not? (2) my insurance sucks (3) I get to use my aflac for the first time - aflaaaac! (4) how can I still reach my goal. That was one of my mom's comments too, she was truly concerned though - that question came later. My wife put it into perspective for me though,
"It is a lesson and you need to learn from it so other people can learn with you".
What has ever gotten in the way of a goal that you tried to reach and what did you do about it?
Ouch! Ice it and elevate it. I would say if it is still real swollen tomorrow and especially if you can't walk on it you need to go get an xray. Hopefully it is just a sprain. Any bruising?
oh no!!! Rest up, I'm sure you will recover nicely.
I tried to be a runner a couple of years ago, but I started out going to hard and gave myself shin splints- to the point that the doc said, "Don't do anything- not even a bike". Honestly, at that point I just let things slip and kind of gave up. I should have focused more on my eating and gotten back on the horse when I was better. That would be my advice. :-)
Dude, you have my deepest empathy and sympathy. I came down wrong during Volleyball in high school...audible pop and all...soft tissue damage, but no breaks. Be very careful with your healing.
(((healing thoughts, healing thoughts...)))
Oh I do hope it's not too serious. I'm sure you can teach us a lot about recovery and remaining fit.
Man that sucks! Back in a former life, I used to play hoops three mornings per week before work. I had a few rolled ankles but nothing too serious. Until I read this post, I was considering paying a visit to the old game to see the guys. Now, I think I'll wait until after the marathon. Keep it cold and go to the doctor if it's still bad on Tuesday.
OW OW OW!! I hope it gets better soon so you can keep on your goal track.
I have had lots of failures in life, but as far as since i started the lifestyle change/blog my first/biggest one was when I started the couch to 5k program a few months ago. I think I was on week two when I started having horrible back pain, like a pulled muscle or something. I couldn't do any exercise for like almost two weeks, so I stopped the program, instead of resuming it when I felt better. (Ironically, I start back tomorrow so we'll see how that goes!)
As far as what I did to reach my goal, which was 100 miles in 10 weeks, I just started back walking (slowly at first) as much as possible and had to put in a lot of miles that last week. My new goal is 250 miles, and it's coming slowly but surely :)
@everyone - thanks for the support. It'll all work out -- I used to be a quick healer - I hope this is still the case. The hardest thing will be for me to wrap my head around the fact that I can't go full speed.
I plan on meeting w/ my doc tomorrow and see what's up.
HOw can you reach your goal.
Weight loss is 80 percent food and 20 percent exercise.
If your ankle is kaput for now...work on your upper body. Do lifting. Do situps.
Eat extremely clean.
these are all ways you can move forward.
Go to the doctor...that way you will know for sure.
Take care.
@cmoursler -- weight loss is not my overall goal, it's simply a byproduct of my original goal of hitting 1010 miles in 2010. For now, it'll be hard to add any miles.
I have a good mindset...this is just a set back.
Thanks for the advice though - I'm always game for help and suggestions.
I hope everything is okay with your ankle! I feel your pain.
I think the important thing is to stay focused on your goal and be willing to be flexible. Your first plan of attack for reaching your goal might not be the one that gets you there.
I would get an xray just to be safe! I hope everything is okay :)
I have a nasty hormonal disorder that LOVES to keep the pounds on. At one point, I frustrated a personal trainer! I was following the program he set out religiously, but wasn't losing an ounce!
Now, I keep going to the doctor's whenever I feel like something is "off" in my body. I know myself best! And I don't settle for the "well, this shouldn't really be a big deal from you because you're not having kids right now." BULL! PCOS is a big deal to any of it's patients and I will not be brushed off.
I've also had to change my diet to focus on things that will help me lose weight. It's not the "usual" diet, so it's taken a lot of research.
So sorry to hear about that. I am the queen of breaking my ankles playing sports - field hockey to be more specific. I just love running over that little ball - did it twice.
Anyway - hang in there - rest up.
Get thee to a doctor!
@ everyone - my ankle is still really swolen, my wife fell down some stairs a few years ago so we have crutches-- she thinks it looks better though - limited movement however. Doctor appt is at 3:00. I took today off from work - I can't stand taking days off. And not be able to go and enjoy them.
Ugh Seth!!! That is awful. I hope you recover quickly. You need to stay off of it. The more you relax the quicker it will heal!
That totally stinks! I really hope its not broken! Take it easy and heal up soon!
Oh no Seth. I hope it your ankle heals fast. Take it easy. Tricia over at Endurance Isnt Physical was in the middle of training for a race and had an injury where she had to wear a boot and was not able to run the race. She started lifting weights and doing core exercises instead. It was very inspirational how she navigated her injuries.
Hoping that you heal quickly.
Now is a great opportunity to learn to walk on your hands?
No probably not the solution to this major suckage.
Yikes. Not a good thing. I'd recommend getting it checked out if you have any insurance.
I've got my own challenge at the moment - medication! It appears that two cholesterol drugs I take have been interacting and causing extreme muscle pain, achiness and fatigue. Dropping one medication to see what effect that has (Doc told me to if there was a problem).
I hope your ankle is just sprained and not broken. Stay off it, ice it regularly and keep it elevated as much as you can. And good for you for checking in with your doctor.
Just found your blog. The ankle injury I know VERY well. I used to play a tonne of pickup basketball and I have had that injury many times. Get well soon!
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