Granted, they were not all at once - which would be awesome - but in five sets of 20. Here is what my workout looked like yesterday.
WORKOUT - a circuit of sorts
- 10 minute warm up walk at comfortable speed.
- 1 set of 20 pushups
- 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches
- 5 min. walk w/increased speed
- 1 set of 20 pushups
- 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches
- 5 min walk w/increased speed
- 1 set of 20 pushups
- 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches
- 5 min walk w/increased speed
1 set of 20 pushups - 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches
- 5 min walk w/increased speed
- 1 set of 20 pushups
- 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches
- 2 min cool down walk
- stretch
In other news, I am leading up a six week weight loss challenge through my friends on facebook. If you want to join check me out on facebook (Seth Tyler) and/or the Challenge group page. There is a ten dollar entry fee and the one that loses the most percentage gets ALL of the entry fee. I think I might cap it at 20 people...we'll see. Go check out the challenge.
What has been the weirdest experience that you have had since starting your Weight Loss/Fitness Journey?
Way to go on the pushups! I think I get that much in with P90x too :)
Huge accomplishment dude. I will need to start the 10 in 2010 challenge for myself as me and push-ups do not get along.
You are getting fit the "right" way. I'm losing weight, but I really need to step up to the strength training plate.
I will...really.
Seth, do you try to change up your push-up stance? Military, wide-front, decline? Or do you stick with standard? I just wondered.
Awesome job w/ the pushups! Wow! Even if it wasn't all at once, 5 sets of 20 is just as impressive.
@Anthony - I do change it. It all depends on what I feel like doing. I do -- and not yesterday -- explosive pushups, decline pushups, round the clock pushups, dive-bomber pushups, and just standard pushups. I've done explosive incline pushups where feet on ground and hands on teeter-totter bar (\). I like variety.
100 today 110 this weekend, 150 in a May, keep at it!
Great job Seth! That is hard. Weirdest experience....I was ogled by a redneck...lol.
That was the single strangest experience I've had.
WAY TO GO!! I'll admit, I stink at strength training and should definitely start bringing that into my life!
Awesome job with the pushups! I feel like I should jump in there and get some out too!
And awesome idea with the challenge! I've been thinking of doing something that had monetary value to REALLY keep me going!
As for the weirdest thing that ever happened to me... bypassing military guys on a mean hike made out of stairs and having them ask me what I'm doing! Okay maybe not weird, but I did get weirded out cause it was like "WHAT?! Did I, an overweight girl, seriously just beat you guys?". Anyway it was funny!
Keep it up and hope the ankle starts getting better sooner!
The weirdest thing is how weird people are about acknowledging my weight-loss. Someone asked if I had been sick! Ha!
Good for you and those pushups! Crazzy! I'm proud to admit that I'm getting stronger and can complete quite a few now (modified of course)
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