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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Flirting with Onederland. 5k time. P90X.

Flirting with OnederLand.

Last week (Monday) I weighed in at 202.4 lbs. It is by far the lowest weight I have been since high school. I think I left high school around 200 lbs. I’m 5’8” and my weight is pretty proportionate throughout my body…but even at 200 lbs – I’m considered obese (BMI of 30.4). It is not until 196 lbs that I get to experience what overweight is. I can’t wait.

I have put in a lot of hard work since 202.4 lbs on Monday. I am hosting a six week weight loss challenge (come join the progress of 13 participants) and have been working hard to take the weight off while utilizing the wealth of health knowledge through books, magazines, and all of the tips that the weight loss/fitness blogosphere has to offer. It is paying off. I have been flirting with Onederland all week. I will not know until tomorrow’s weigh-in whether I will officially enter into Onederland or if I will be denied another week. It’s exciting. If I enter Onederland tomorrow - that will mean that I have lost over 55 pounds since I started losing weight. Results are fun and fun to look at. Some day I would like to use my experience and knowledge to impact other people whose shoes I have filled…or have even overflowed.

I’m ready.

5k Time.

I am a little more nervous about posting this 5k time because it means that when my upcoming race comes…my time should be close to it. I have purposely been not posting my running times because I felt like it was coming across as bragging and I try not to do that. My times have been getting consistently better. It’s easy to be big-headed and I’m trying to get smaller overall…not bigger. My times aren’t worth bragging about anyways. They are just personal bests and I compete with myself only to make myself better and not to intimidate others. I sincerely hope that I don’t come across as bragging or anything close to that fashion because that is not my intention.

The time that I ran my 3.1 miles in today is my personal best. I have been keeping a low 9 min pace lately and I ran my 5k today in 27’33”. That is definitely the sub30 that I have been shooting for. My goal for my first 5k is to do it in sub30 fashion. I’m nervous about posting times because they don’t seem real to me. That 27’33” 5k time does not seem real. It happened though – I know that.


I am on my third day of p90x. I really enjoy the workouts because they push you and allow you to push yourself. They are a bit time consuming though and when you don’t have a lot of time to put into them…I can see how it could get hard to do it. So far, I have been able to find the time. I think I’ll be able to find the time too. I have noticed that since I have been working out so much since January, that I have not watched TV, played Wii, or games on the computer as much as I used to. It’s actually quite nice. P90X is a beast.

A Shout-Out.

As I do every once in a while – I wanted to shoot you the way of another blogger. I actually went to college with this blogger, but hung out more with her husband. It wasn’t until about a month ago that I found her blog and realized that she worked out. I hope that she doesn’t mind that I am sending you her way but she just accomplished something I find pretty cool in my book. I’m not even going to tell you what she accomplished – just suggest you go there and give her some love! Go check her out!

Don't Forget about my Fitness GIVEAWAY. It is quite the prize pack for anyone! Go check it out and ENTER. It is Easy to Enter!

What was your Last Non-Scale Victory?!
Let us enjoy it with you!


RescuingLisa said...

Congrats on your approach to Onederland! That is amazing! I hope to be in Onederland by early May too. See you there!

Latest NSV for myself = I climbed a mountain today - AND reached the top! Feeling like a fit monster now - i'm just going to ride the high!

Tara said...

Last non scale victory was today!!!

5.5 mile run.

Longest ever!

And now I'm tired :)

Learning to be Less said...

I am so EXCITED for you!! I remember the day I was considered just overweight. That is a HUGE accomplishment. I also finished the classic version of P90X in February. That dude is such an ass but the workouts are really good. You are going to get so cut!

Anonymous said...

wow! you're almost in the one hundos!? that is so awesome for you! how encouraging!

i'm excited to hear about your continued use of P90X. I've thought about it many times, but seems like SO much work! --adrienne

CJ said...

Great time on that run!

My NSV will be able to run a 2k. That is not much but for a non jogger like me its a major achievement. Next I want to scale the 5k heights! :)

Kyle said...

Wow...what a pace you are blazing dude! I'm intimidated...I wonder if it is worth running anymore now...damn!
Just kidding...that is great!

Oh latest NSV was my 6.22 miles yesterday...thanks for your support Seth...when I get back to Missouri, we'll have to meet somewhere in the middle for a 5k event or something.

Andrew is getting fit said...

You are doing fantastic! I'll be hoping you make it tomorrow but I know that even if it is not tomorrow it will be soon!

Blubeari said...

Congrats on a new low! Keep it going!

I wouldn't worry about people thinking you are bragging. For the most part, the weight loss blogging community is very supportive and encouraging rather than competitive.

My last non scale victory was completing a step class... not as easy as it sounds!!!

Christine said...

great job!
My little brother is sending me the insanity workouts.
they look wait for it....
insane! lol.
dude, toot your horn.
What you run is what you run.
I mean, unless you want to even things out by carrying a lithuanian midget on your back, what are you gonna do?
keep up the good work.

-J.D. Humenay said...

My latest non-scale victory may seem like a little thing, but for me, it was a great shove in the right direction.

I'm currently battling exhaustion - and am being tested for a largely fatal type of cancer. With all this going on, my natural tendency is to just hermit away and feel sorry for myself.

But that's how I got into the weight gain issue to start with. Feeling sorry for myself and enjoying "comfort foods" instead of doing something physical to boost the endorphins and counteract the stress.

So this week I had 2 major victors (for me anyway) in mental shifts.

#1) I was told about all this on a rehearsal day. I'm in a musical that opens in 1 week. I knew they would "understand" if I backed out. But I've fought hard to be RELIABLE all my life, and I cherish that reputation. So I went, despite the maelstrom of chaos. And I'm so glad I did. :)

#2) I decided, NO MATTER WHAT the results of the test, if I have to WALK the ENTIRE Disneyland 1/2 Marathon this September, I am going to complete that race this year. NO MATTER WHAT.

Sometimes out greatest victories are over ourselves.

Meg said...

Wow you're doing really well! I'm a long way from where I want to be but I'm getting there.

Last NSV? Hmm. Getting to buy new clothes and then looking at myself in the mirror the other day and realising that the new stuff is already too big.

Tonyne said...

Amazing 5k time! That's awesome!

Non-scale victory? Hmmm - It would have to be my 10k last week. I was really proud of myself for finishing.

Pining for Pinterest said...

You are sooo close!!! Way to go :)

Stronger.Faster. said...

GREAT TIME! I was thinking... drumroll please... and then saw your time and thought that was great! Thanks for the shout out. I am still in unbelief. Maybe how you feel, like it just cant be right that that is actually how long I ran for.

Keep up the good work! Maybe you will be training for a half someday with that time!

Tonyne said...

Not sure how to contact you about your question about the pasta. :) It's about 6 weight watcher points using their recipe builder. I have no idea what that becomes calorie/fat wise. Sorry!

Kimmi said...


I fit into a size smaller jeans today. If that isn't progress I don't know what is!

Anonymous Fat Girl said...

Hey Seth, day #2 of P90X for me today. I agree, it's all about finding time. Look forward to see how you're doing on it as well. :)

Jeremy Logsdon said...

That is an AWESOME 5K time. And congrats on doing P90X! I've heard it's... well, nightmarish, I think. Let us know if it's worth it. :)

My latest non-scale victory... definitely losing 1/2 an inch off my waist. That was pretty nice. :)

Kerri Olkjer said...

Great job on the 5k time! I don't think anyone takes it as braggin, it's OK to be proud of the results of our hard work! You are gonna kick butt.
Part of the reason I bought ChaLEAN Extreme instead of P90X was because the workouts are shorts, but still tough.

Kenlie said...'re really doing so well! And I love watching it happen on your blog!

My latest NSV? There are so many these days. Yesterday, I was with a friend that I haven't seen lately, and she was surprised/impressed that I opted to jog up a few flights of stairs v. waiting for the elevator. It felt good for her to notice my new mobility. :)

I'm also wearing the first belt I've worn in ages because belts just didn't fit 95 pounds feels good every time I do it.

Anonymous said...

My last non scale victory was my 6.77 km run this weekend!

Unknown said...

That 5K time is ridiculous! Good work man!!! And P90X is definitely a beast! Keep up the good work with it, even though the time factor is a lot. Obviously you're rockin' it!

Anonymous said...

Nice job on your approach to onederland!! It will feel great when you land. :)

I started looking into 5k's because you have inspired me. Your time is awesome and you should brag a little. Sharing something like that will give many a push and it did for me. I found a 5k in my home town which I plan on registering for. I'll be done with the C25K right before it's scheduled to go down. Woohoo!

MaryFran said...

Way to go for posting your time and your goals. Posting it and making it visible for all will make it so much more sweet when you conquer!

My biggest NSV of late. Exercise has never been a big fav of mine. I almost half way dread it (I like the feeling while and after though!). Last week I found myself laying on the couch recovering from a medical procedure and all I could think about was how I couldn't wait to get back to the gym. PROGRESS!

Chad said...

Wow! Awesome progress on your weight loss and nearly leaving the 200's - plus an amazing 5K time! Great work!

My latest NSV - definitely my first 5K this past weekend.

Nona said...

I'm glad you shared your time. That is indeed something to celebrate. Well done!!! I hope you make your next goal. Look forward to the update.

My last non-scale victory is that I've drunk 3 liters of water everyday for a week.

Frank Dobner said...

The only Oneder I know comes from "That Thing You Do." Do I have it right or is it something else.

Jess said...

I'm excited for you to hit Onederland! You'll get there soon. And yes, I can't wait for "overweight" BMI range for myself and for you either. Let's do this!

As for that 5K time, that's incredible! I'm going to keep working to get sub-30. I know I'm capable of it. It just sucks that I have a lot of endurance runs coming up so speed is kind of semi on pause, but after the Half, I'm going to put that endurance training to good speed work.

Nice job on everything Seth. I love your motivation and drive, and let me know how P90X goes!

Syl said...

Oh P90X - brings back some good memories :-) My husband and I got to 10 weeks and had to stop because I got sick and then needed to continue my training for my half marathon. Such great workouts and makes you really push yourself.

Brandon said...

Dude, awesome 5k time, congrats!