It is not about the winning as much as it is to be able to inspire other people to begin a healthier lifestyle. Only three of the challengers are people that are full-throttle prior to beginning this challenge. That means that there are a lot of newbies – and anyone that has been doing weight loss/fitness for a period of time loves newbies b/c they love to learn about weight loss/fitness related things. Already, it has been a lot of fun!
However, this is not the reason that I have written this post. I really wanted to say that I am very proud of my wife. It’s generally easier for men to post their pictures a nd weight for all to see, but it takes much more for a woman. Women have much more guarded insecurities, fears, and comfort zones that couldn’t be broken by an army tanker.
She let down her guard.
She gave away her fears.
She accepted her body.
She gave away her fears.
She accepted her body.
This may mean very little to a lot of my readers, but I know that many of you can connect with the fears that she experienced. I am very proud of her in taking on this challenge and I think she is pretty excited for it – now that what may have been the hardest part mentally, is over.
My wife has a craft blog and she posted her Beginning Picture for the challenge. Go encourage her! You guys are the best at encouragement!
The Dilemma
While I am asking favors for you…I have a dilemma. I bought a domain name for this site but am unsure on when to put it up and was going to see when you thought. Obviously, the domain name is the title of this site – What do you think? Should I wait until 2010 is over, go ahead and do it now when I have fewer readers, or what? I need Help!
Are you on the Roll?
Now that we are talking about this site, I updated the Blogroll on the right side of the page. Those are not all of the bloggers that I read, but some that update regularly and have awesome information. Do you not see your site on there? Tell me and let me know that you don’t and why it needs to be up there! I love to give other bloggers plugs and shout-outs. Yours may just be next!
Encourage My Wife! Leave Your Opinion on the Domain. Join the Blogroll!
...if you'd like of course.

I say go with the switch since wordpress will import all your posts from blogger so everything will still be safe (including your comments) And just have a forwarding from blogger to WP.
I'm going to go stalk your wife now! Don't worry, it's a good uncreepy kind of stalk :)
AND DUDE SETH, you're freakin' shrinking! I mean that in the most encouraging voice. The picture you tore up popped in my head and then I compared that with you now and MAN! What a difference. HIGH FIVE.
I applaud your wife! It is EXTREMELY difficult for women to post unflattering pictures. I know how gutsy that was because I just did it myself. It's time to take all of this seriously and I think I may have actually hit bottom in the last couple of days.
If it's not too late, I think I'd like to join your challenge. A spur to get me going, as it were. But I'm already going now.
If you want to add a female's struggle for health and fitness, feel free to add my blog - Finding My Thinner, Inner Self which is at
I love that you love your wife. You are a one of the good ones!! Total Keeper!!
I'm not on your blog roll and I think I should be because I rock:)
Let's talk body bug. I have been wanting one for some time now. I can't justify spending that much. What do you think about it and why is it on your wish list?
Your wife rocks!
Awe. That was so sweet. I will totally go visit your wife's blog. I love to craft also.
I am not on your roll. If awesomeness is the criteria for being added then you should totally add me.
Keelie @ REAL FAT
Your wife is gorgeous!
So cool that you guys can get fit together! Great blog, I love all of your info :)
Im so proud of your wife to be able to throw away her fears and be proud of her desire for a fitter lifestyle ... so hard for us ladies :( Way to go!!!
ah - I missed the deadline. Don't worry about adding me to your challenge - I shall challenge on my own alongside.
Switch now. Your wife rocks!
@Jess - I use Blogger and it lets you incorporate you domain name...I'd probably just keep it here - just with the new name. HIGH FIVE.
@Sayre - I emailed you w/some info. bout the challenge. We're here to help.
@Missa - I appreciate it. She's a keeper too :)
@Shannon - I knew I'd miss a few of my regulars! Oops...look now.
@Keelie - Thanks for the support of her blog! Awesomeness is totally one of the criteria.
@katdoesdiets - I think so too!
@HoneyB - It'll be interesting to do this together...I am such a independent person when it comes to working out.
Andrew - thanks! I'm leaning that way right now. BTW - you are like a superhero of the weight loss world!
Can I join the challenge???
I think you should start using the domain now!! and PLEASE put me on your blogroll of awesomeness, because I too would like to be awesome!
Do it now, the more people the more complex. I am on your blogroll and for that I thank to stalk your wife as well.
Seth, i just wanted to stop in and say thanks for stopping by my blog.
I recently got my husband to do
P90X with me and it was fun because we kept each other motivated. I think that it's great that your wife is joining in. It will allow both of you to feed off each other!
Off to check out your wife's blog.
I don't have a great reason why I should be on your blogroll, other than I follow yours and you follow mine. Oh, and I am a newbie here and would love the opportunity to hook up with more bloggers who can help me/who I can maybe help too. So, if you like me, my blog address is
I stopped by your wifey's blog - she is beautiful! I told her so and wished her luck in your challenge.
Major congrats to your wife. I DO know the courage it takes to put yourself out there...way to go Mrs. Seth!
Thanks for putting me on your roll man. I think you should just go ahead and change your domain now. You can always redirect this one for a while until all your readers have moved there.
@Nikki - The challenge started yesterday...I'm sorry! I might head up another one in about 7 weeks...i'll head it up but won't actually participate in it. Go request to join the group and you can hang out and join in on discussions and follow their journeys in the challenge.
@chris - I think so too. It's just a new domain name but i don't want to confuse everyone and everything. of course you'd make the blogroll!
@Syl - i really want to do p90x - I hear so many good things about it. Its on my to do list.
@Morgan - Thanks, i think so too bout my wife :) -- I'll be updating the blogroll again soon!
@Josie - I'm not sure about changing the host but the domain name...i think i'm going to go ahead and do it. Keep up your hard work! 50+ pounds gone..YES!
Let's try that comment again!
I think that getting healthy as a family is so critical to actually establishing that lasting lifestyle. You two make a cute couple.
Regarding the blog roll, I didn't start blogging for the followers, but I have gotten extreme satisfaction from inspiring others.
If you like my stuff and want to help me inspire others, by all means add me.
Switch now or forever hold your peace...
Getting Better and Better
I think you should switch over now.
Going to check out your wife's blog now!
test comment
@Everyone -- Hey! I changed the domain name! I lose all of my comments that way...i can still get the old ones when I type in 1010in2010 but I'll just go from here with this from now on. Awesome.
I don't see any blogs in the blogroll. Anyway, you should put mine there.
I'm a third of the way to reaching a very ambitious goal I set for myself. 100 pounds in a year.
This is a great post! I checked out your wife's post and you are absolutely right...she is a very brave woman for doing this. I'm wishing good luck to the both of you!!! And thanks for the support the other day. I appreciate it.
Hey there! I just recently found your blog and I love it! I would love for you to put my weight loss blog up on your blogroll. I have been writing for close to 4 years. In that four years I managed to lose about 140 pounds.....I maintained for a while and then unfortunately regained a bout 40....I'm losing that now. I've been brutally honest with myself about this the hopes that my success and failures can help others!
Oh add my blog to the blogroll.
Thanks for telling us about your wife's blog--the two of you are so inspiring.
I would appreciate it if you would consider putting my blog on your
Just checked out your wife's blog. Good luck to both of you!!!!
You can add my blog to the blogroll if you like.
Hey, I'm Ruby and I read your blog, though sometimes I get overwhelmed and I'm not so great at commenting!
You should add me because I am a nice person! ...or because I have lost almost 1/3 of my total weight loss goal since Sept of '09... :) 78/252lbs.
I can completely relate to your wife and KUDOS for shouting your praise to the rooftops! Way to go, husband of the year! :) I know with the symptoms of PCOS and now a new reproductive illness to add to the list, I have a hard time with all of the things you listed there. Usually I can handle it all really well, but lately - well, I haven't been posting because all of those crazy insecurities have been sneaking in as this old bruise gets poked. (Nothing tells a woman, "Hey, you're a freak of nature! Ew!" like infertility stuff - even though it's pretty much completely uncontrollable.)
Throw the Wellness Journey blog up there when you get a chance? I know in the coming month or two I could really use the encouragement. Thanks!
(Not to mention, I have a triathlon in 3 weeks!)
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