Challenging Day.
Today has been a mentally challenging day. It's been raining all day and Carol and I made a hard decision yesterday in regards to our moving (which takes place in just a little less than a month). I currently teach and work part time at a church. We have been offered a full time position with the church and I accepted. We have been searching for a house and thought that we found one twice - but each time something has prevented it. The first house fell through because of the inspection - the second because of pride. We are moving to plug into the community and we found a house that was really cool and we liked it, but it was far out of town and not the best fit for us now. I know I may be crazy to pass on that house, but getting that house was defeating the purpose of reaching the community. My ego would have definitely been puffed up with this house - but that house would consume our purpose. I am crazy. :)
The decision to pass on the house mixed with the gloomy, rainy day has produced a gloom attitude. It's been a long day. Something else will come up though!
Moving on to some better news.
I will find out tomorrow where I placed overall from the 5k race where I set my PR and placed 1st in my division. I am pretty excited to see how I did with everyone's time. It's all still new to me. I have some more pictures that will be uploaded that were taken of me with a couple of students of mine that also ran the 5k. They both beat me! An 8th grader ran the 5k in 21'30" (exact second?) and a 7th grader in 24'53". Both of them placed first in their division as well!
Hopefully, I will have that information for you tomorrow!
Now for the weigh-in this week. It was a success. I have consistently lost the weight with a healthy downward trend. The best part about this week, besides the 5k race, was that my father in law saw a picture of me and he didn't recognize me. He asked Carol who the two guys in the picture were (one was a guy from church and then me) and she said, "That's Seth dad!"
He said, "Thaaat's Seth?!"
We don't get to see them that often as we live in different states. I liked that compliment. Made me smile!
Back to the weigh in. I weighed in at 195.6 lbs. That's a loss of 2.4 lbs. I'll take it. I wasn't sure how this week would turn out because I tapered my running and workouts for the race. Apparently, the change in my workouts confused my body and it has responded with weight loss.
Enjoy the picture!

What is your favorite part of your body?
Tell me. Take a picture of it and post it on your blog.
Embrace your body.
Embrace your body.
Way to go on the 5k event! I have another one scheduled for June. My favorite body part is my eyes!
He said, "Thaaat's Seth?!"
Now is that a way cool NSV or what?!?!
Favorite part of my body; once upon a time it was my upper arms and in particular my triceps which were well defined. That was 20'ish years ago. Today I'd struggle to find a favorite part. Maybe in a month or two I can make enough progress to feel better about my body or a part of it.
I went to enroll my daughter in a homeschool enrichment course today.
The lady who runs it, was the math teacher in the 'old' homeschool enrichment course my daughter attended over a year ago.
I was 262 lbs when she knew me.
I went today and was filling out paperwork. She saw sophie and said "HI, SOPHIE!"
Then she looks around all confused, like where was the mother, glanced at me, glanced over me...
then said 'Tell your mom that I will give you all a tour after I am done with my meeting'.
She didn't recognize all.
She didn't even realize I was in the room.
I can't take a pic of my fav body part.
It's my rack.
That would be weird lol.
oh, and God will definately take you where he wants you...just pray for his will and a house will fall into your lap.
I will pray for God to show you his intention.
God bless.
Great job with making the decision not to take the house. It would have prevented your and your wife from serving the way you are called right now. God will honor that choice with the perfect house for you in His right timing.
I don't even know you but, I have been telling people about your success story in your first 5K race. You did such a remarkable job!
Great job on the weight loss front as well.
I don't know about the picture challenge either. Not because of what my favorite part is, just not sure I have a favorite at the moment. My body is under construction. Hah!
Great job with the weigh in, Seth!
You tapered but it's not like you didn't work out. You just didn't do as much as you'd normally do, but you're normally a beast.
Anyway, the house will come :) Just be patient. And when you finally settle on the one, it'll be the perfect (or as close as perfect can be) fit.
Awesome NSV and congrats on the 5k... AND the loss. You have a lot going on.
I agree with the other commenters, so happy you decided to pass of the one house - it would have undermined your intent/purpose. I know, from house buying experience, that everything will work out in the end and eventually "the perfect" house/opportunity will prevent itself.
My fav body part? Eyes (that is, until I have rock hard abs.)
Way to go on the weight loss! The house you want/ need will come soon :) I hope you have a wonderful day! Congratulations on the new job.
That had to be a fun/strange experience to have your father-in-law say he didn't recognize you.
Good luck with the house hunting. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason.
That's so funny! I hope someone doesn't recognize me in the future!
Congrats on the loss. And on turning down a house you knew wasn't right for you, tempting as it was.
My favorite part? Well, right now I'm kind of fascinated with my shoulder, on the front. My eyes keep straying over to that bit when I'm walking and pumping my arms. The lines of it are just very appealing for some reason.
Congratulations on the continued weight loss! Excellent!!!
I have no body confidence so you won't be getting a picture from me mister!
But can I just say you ROCKED that race. Holy moly. I don't expect to win anything until I'm running in the 70-79 year old division - ha!
Bless you as you undergo this new journey with your job and house and all. Big, stressful changes but hopefully great ones.
Looking good Seth! :) And that's a fantastic time for a 5K! Goodness do you motivate me!!!!! Have a great day!
way to confuse your body and drops ell bees
What a great compliment! Way to go!
I LOVE the fact that you didn't buy that house!!! That says so much about the sanctification process that you are going through! Good deal! Now..about this favorite body part. I'm workin on this point... :)
Girls are weird!!!
You are transforming right before our eyes! How exciting for you AND for us.
I mirror the other comments in regards to the house. It will happen as it is intended and there is a lesson in the process for sure.
Thanks for the comment Seth and yes I have been reading :) No worries at all. Do it when you have time.
LOVE the fact that you were unrecognizable! That is the best feeling in the world when it's due to weight loss.
Yes yes yes...the gloomy day just affects all of us!
I hope everything works out with the house search!
My fav part of my bod would have to be my eyes! I get lots of compliments on them.
Good luck searching for a house. I just moved myself and it is daunting. I am sure you will find the exact perfect house and it will be worth the wait. ;)
As far as favorite body part, well, I don't have one. Ok, maybe my eyes. They used to be huge, but now that my face is so round, they are lost. Working on it, though. One day at a time.
Good luck to you, Seth
nice guns!!!
You are a machine!! Great work. You're an inspiration!
favorite part: My neck
Here's the post about it:
Thanks for helping me take the time to appreciate my body!
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