I am busy.
Life has been busy these past couple of weeks. My wife and I are in the middle of a move. I am trying to close down the school year and get my things cleaned out of my class for the next teacher to be able to get in there this summer. I started the summer semester with my Master’s program and then on top of everything else -- I work out. (Working out and running is actually a way that I can get away from all of the work - do you feel the same way?) I get busy, but I think I strive on busyness.
If you have not seen me stop by your blog in a couple days it is not because I don’t want too.
You guys fuel my fitness tank like no one else. Keep it up.
Can losing weight mess up your game?
I think yes it can. I think a mixture between weight loss, strength training, all the running, and lack of playing has messed up my basketball skills. I use to pride myself on being one of the best.
I’ve been humbled.
I can run all day around the guys, but that does nothing for me if I can’t make a basket. I’ve been over-shooting the basketball, under-shooting the basketball, and there was an air-ball or two in there, but let's not talk about those. I’ve got to figure this thing out. I’m hoping that it is just like riding a bike and it comes back to me real quick.
Weight Loss Challenge Final Results
I did not win the weight loss challenge that I hosted. I lost a total of 17 POUNDS in six weeks! I am very proud and happy with that and have worked my tail off to get it. I have accomplished a lot in the last six weeks.
I have…
…Entered into OnederLand!
…Ran and Placed 1st (my division) in my very first 5k race!
…Placed 12th overall in my second ever 5k race!
…lost 17 pounds through a weight Loss challenge I hosted!
…have watched my wife lose 9 lbs in that very same challenge!!!
…have spent many hours running!
…run a total of 120.9 miles in six weeks!
I’ve also been changing a little bit of the layout here at Fit With a Purpose and am trying to make it more interactive for you. I hope you approve and enjoy!
I’m going to end with my Final Weigh-In Picture!

I will be hosting another weight loss challenge that will start on this upcoming Monday. Everything takes place on Facebook. It's a pretty neat atmosphere that we have there too. I will post about it again with ways for you to enter. I just thought I’d plant the seed into your brain.
If you could follow one of your dreams and have nothing get in your way.......what would you be doing right now with your life?
awesome results!
go you!
COngrats on a fantastic loss and the meeting of many other goals! Amazing! I'm just starting the C25K program so I'm hoping to do my own 5K in August. You're an inspiration. I look forward to your next challenge! I need as many challenges as I can get!
Nice job! Thanks for all the inspiring words! You ROCK!
Wow, you are busy! Congrats on your weightloss. And yes, running or other cardio is a great escape for me from work.
Hi, Seth. I know you're busy, but there is an award for you on my blog. It doesn't require much work--and if you can't meet the requirements, don't sweat it. Just be blessed by the great honor (chuckle). That will be sufficient. Deb
Amazing!! You are so inspirational!!! I so wish to join you on the next challeneg but this baby has me doing nothing but gaining weight. I look forward to watching your progress!!
Keep up the HARD, HARD work!
Great job on your challenge goals..they are fantastic stats and accomplishments...good luck with the move.
And...If I could follow my dreams with absolutely nothing getting in my way...hmmmmm....Julliard for drawing and painting.
Your weight loss is outstanding. All that running and stuff, it's a wonder you have time to work. How do you do it all.
If I was following my dream, with nothing in the way, I'd be living in an RV in USA, having an adventure.
Thanks, again, for hosting the challenge! Can't wait to see who all signs up for the next one and how everyone does :-)
If I could be following one of my dreams right now with nothing in my way (which would be family/work/bills): I've always wanted to just grab a backpack, my sneakers, pick a direction and start walking. For days. Weeks. Whatever. I think it would be an awesome way to travel!
You are an inspiration!
Wow Seth you are doing fantastic! :) Your results are very inspiring.
I love being busy as well. So much seems to get done that way and sometimes I think it just feels good! We all understand I'm sure. Hope everything goes smoothly
If I could follow a dream I would be travelling all year round for an entire year... but of course money stands in the way.. There is so much in this world to see
congratulations!!! 17 pounds is awesome.
I hear you on the end-of-school-year busy-ness... there are ceremonies and orientations and various functions to tend to for my son.
It's hard to get everything in when you're that busy though. If time and money were no object, I would spend a couple of hours in the gym everyday and time pounding the pavement as well. I would bike everywhere I needed to go and eat only organic foods in moderation. Perhaps that will happen one day - but not today. I have to work, take my friend out to lunch and pick up my son from school, supervise homework and if I'm lucky, squeeze in a little workout time before having to do dinner...
You are doing wonderful! I am closing out the school year too! It can be stressful :)
Wow great job. I misread the line about reading blogs. I thought you wrote, "It's because I DON'T want to." That actually made me laugh.
"If you could follow one of your dreams and have nothing get in your way.......what would you be doing right now with your life?"
I know this sounds off the wall and certainly unrelated to fitness, but I would be a sitcom writer
love the new pictures on the side. You are doing great! For me, I would love to go back and get my masters/phd in art history and be a college professor. With that, I want to fly and see all the art that I have studied. I feel nervous to get on a plane because of my weight because I don't want to be THAT person who can't fit well in them.
Oh, and I'm scared of roller coaster rides but I think most of my fear is because I can't fit in the seats :(
Exercise is an escape for me I am finding. It is a place I can de-stress and take a break from work, routines of home, etc., what a great added benefit to exercise. Hmm, what would I be doing different with my life right now if I could, that's simple; I'd be involved in auto racing. I didn't discover the sport and become a real fan until I was in my late 30's when I had already established my career. But I've developed quite a passion for the sport that if I could, I'd enjoy being involved beyond just being a fan.
Amazing job Seth!
I understand busy, I am too! Summer for me is absolutely insane. I hope things settle for you soon! Run some for me, would you? I miss it so much!
For as busy as you are, that is awesome, even for someone who is not busy thats great.
Well I would be in Ireland already if nothign was holding me back. Jammie and I are in support raising mode, and that takes a while. But if I could be doing anything, I would be in Ireland church planting and running in a club. I'm so excited for that actually. I'm trying to take my training more seriously so that when I am able to join a club in Dublin, I dont look like some lamo American, but actually a decent runner.
Keep up that good work! You and your wife are looking good!
This is totally random, but I would like to drive up the California Coast with my husband and Chocolate Lab. I think it would be fun to stop and spend the night at different points along the way.
Hooray for continued weight loss and the end of the school year!
I would be in theater working for Disney and NOT sitting at a desk job listening to Disney pod casts and doing community theater.
Lookin' good Seth! You look like a completely different man! You and your wife should spring for a photo shoot once she's down to goal! :)
Wow Seth! You have accomplished a LOT in six weeks! That is awesome! And you look amazing to boot! :) Great job! I bet you feel much better after dropping that weight....and don't worry, your game will get better :)
sorry I'm a stranger and I hope you don't mind me commenting. First, great job on your weight loss. Second, you're welcome to use a site I built 3 years ago to host weight loss competitions (thintopia.com)
Way to go! Your change is incredible!
If getting a job to make money wouldn't be in the way, I would be traveling the world nonstop for 3 or 4 years right now. It's what I love doing. It's what makes me appreciate life because I learn about other cultures.
Dude, you are almost in the 180s! WHAT THE. That is AWESOME. I am super, super proud of you Seth. Keep it up!
And, can't wait to see pictures of the new house!
As for the missed shots, it's just taking your body some time to figure out how to re-adjust to the new weight. You'll find that sweet spot soon enough.
What you've done in 6 weeks is absolutely incredible. 120miles??? Insane and tremendously cool.
My dream: Teaching math to middle school kids and teaching them the FOIL method with my badass dance moves!
Your posts never fail to motivate me Seth!!! You are looking great too. Great work.
If I could follow my dreams and let nothing get in my way, I would be living the life that I am living right now! I've realized that I can be pretty determined when I really want something.
Awesome job, Seth! The difference in your before and after/current pictures is amazing. Super motivating.
Good Job ! Keep it up!
Wow...17 pounds...sounds like a victory in your challenge to me...no matter where you ranked.
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