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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Superman! Vacation! Weight Loss challenge!

Hey everyone! I'm posting from Manchester, TN this morning getting ready to hit the road for Tybee Island, GA. I don't know much about Tybee Island - we just picked a spot and said, we'll drive there. We still have about 6 hours to drive, but will have a few days to spend there. I'm pretty excited about the beach. If there are a lack in posts -- you'll know why at least.

The Weight loss challenge that I host is over. It was the 3rd challenge and it went really well. The winner, and I'll do a post about him like I did with the last champ, was actually my brother who lost 20.8 lbs. This is a six week challenge. He rocked it like crazy! I lost 1/4 of that weight, but am happy for that.

I'm just trying not to gain that 6 lbs back on vacation. If I gain a 2-3...I'm okay with that b/c this is vacation and I will enjoy more than normal. Yay!

On our way driving yesterday -- we saw a sign for "Giant Superman Statue" -- of course we turned off the hwy and went to see it. This is what I want my healthy body to look like :)

I hope you all have a great day! Stay focused and keep moving.


The Question: Do you think I can be a runner?

the question.

My wife asked me today a question right out of the blue, "do you think I can be a runner".
my answer.

I wasn't expecting it and I was like, "Yeah!"

I wanted to ask her a lot of questions, but she cut me off and said that we'd talk about it over dinner.
the results.

Dinner came and I couldn't wait to talk about it so I asked her if she wanted to start running. (You have to understand me here - I love running and she has never shown any interest really in this is exciting to me). I told her why I thought she could be a runner and then I said that I'd run with her tonight. We let our food settle for a while and then got into some running clothes and we stretched. One of the ways that she tried to convince me to run with her was that running with her would be a good warmup for my run. She was right - it was. But before I get too far - we ran a mile tonight. We both know that running can be pretty difficult in the beginning, but with discipline - it will get easier. We stopped a few times, but that's okay because we were out there MOVING! I'm super proud of her. I'd say she ran about .6 of a mile. We finished that mile up in 13'17". She did great. So, Carol, can you be a runner? Yes. you. can.

and more.

After Carol and I finished our run I went for a run of my own. I got a PR today. I chose to run a 2 mile course and wanted to kill it - and I did. I ran 2 miles in 17'12". That is a 8'35" pace. This is by far the fastest 2 mile run I have done and it felt great! I think that warmup did help me out. If I was in a 5k race tonight and only had 1 mile left and only 17'12" had gone by --- I'd be booking it to finish big!

What is ONE thing that you just want to ROCK like nothing else?!!


Addicted too... Wedding. Weigh-In Picture!

Addicted to...

Some people and I were talking recently about addictions. You know, not once did running come into the discussion. Drugs, alcohol, and gambling all showed their face, but not once did running come into our discussion. I know though what I'll tell someone if they ever ask if I have an addiction - running and LOST. The running must stay, but the Lost - if I had to, I could let it go.

I don't remember where I read it, or maybe I heard it, but the person said they don't work out because they are afraid that they'll get addicted to it because they tend to become obsessed with things. I think that is a cop-out to not do the work, but can maybe see their position. It's still not enough to not do the work though -- it is your life you're neglecting!

Now, there are a few body physiques that gross me out b/c it simply, in my mind, is too much - but it's not my body.

Can you be so addicted to make your body too fit?

I don't know the answer to that and truthfully, I'm just rambling, but what I do know is that I love running. I love what it teaches me. I would just like to go ahead and say it on record.

I, Seth, am addicted to running.


I had the opportunity to be the officiant at my sister's wedding. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. I got to see family that I hadn't seen in quite some time and when they saw me -- their mouths dropped and they couldn't believe the weight that I had lost. It made me feel good. Below is a picture of me at the wedding.

Also, here is the End of Week 5 Challenge photo. This has been a tough challenge for most people in it, but the number keeps dropping!

What is your favorite Workout Song?


Decide. Discern. Deliver. 3 steps to success.

It's no secret that most runners think a lot. When you are running 20+ miles a week - you have a lot of time to think. It isn't always about one thing, but when I am running I think of big dreams, big goals, and big successes. I am a visionary thinker and while that may have its own problems sometimes - it creates movements. I have a lot of big ideas that I'd like to see come into their own in time, but I do understand that many of them will not. Those ideas that will come to fruition though - will come by me following three different rules. These three things will require motivation, desire, optimism, and self-discipline.

The only reason I bring these things up is because if you followed these rules while getting healthy - you will see success. They are simple. They are accurate.

The first step is to Decide. You have to decide to make the change or not. You don't even have to know how to make that change yet, you just have to make the decision to go about changing. Prior to me making my decision to do this - I was unhappy, unmotivated, and held no self-control when it came to health. I did make that decision though and have made it this far. It takes one simple action to say - "I'm tired of living this way - I want change". It's hard to make change happen, but it can happen. It all starts with a decision. This decision is not the only thing though that you need to do for change to happen. I know there were many times when I was sitting and watching The Biggest Loser and said, "I want that to happen to me", while I continued to eat my Stuffed Crust BBQ & Extra Cheese pizza. I made the decision to change, but I did nothing else. I think many of you have found yourself with that same memory. Making the decision is the first step - but it is not the only step.

The second of my steps is to Discern. You have to be able to tell the right way from the wrong way. You have to discern what is the best route for you to take in order to make that change happen. As I made my decision to change while in front of the TV and eating pizza on the couch - I didn't choose the right direction. This is the step in which you do the homework to your change. Losing weight typically doesn't happen without you taking the initiative. That would be nice though for you to make the mental decision to get healthy and then your body agrees and loses without any change of habit. That'd be great! That's not how it works though. You need to have a plan of attack in order to get your health back. Is your method going to be through running, biking, lifting, swimming, and/or another program (this is all mixed in with the healthy eating of course -- what is it, 85-90% of weight loss is due to proper nutrition?). Making the decision was only a 1/3 of how it happens, making a plan to follow is another 1/3, and that brings us to the actual follow-through.

The third step is Deliver. In basketball, when you are shooting the basketball - if you fail to follow through than your shot is going to be off the rim. In Baseball, if you fail to follow through with your swing, you will miss the ball or have a little blooper. In Golf, if you fail to follow through with your swing, you dig at the grass, slice, and miss the mark. It's the same with fitness, if you fail to follow through - you will not succeed. There are many bloggers out there that claim to be on the weight loss front, but are failing to step up to the plate because they don't follow through. Weight loss can be very difficult. Getting healthy can be very challenging. All you need though is to execute follow through and you've done your part. So, you've planned to run a mile today? Run a mile and count that as a success. Did you say you would only eat 1800 calories today? Eat 1800 calories today and enjoy your self-control!

Think of how much you are gaining while you are losing!

Decide to make a change, Discern the best route in going about that change, and Deliver on that decision.

This is for you to do. You can make change happen. You can succeed. You will succeed.


Home Food Database. HalfWay Giveaway Winner. Awesomeness


I'm going to start out with the Awesomeness; well, what I feel as awesomeness. I have been rocking my food intake that past few days. My wife and I's anniversary was this past week and we took a small getaway - and while I took part in a few calories that I wouldn't typically in a normal week...I was still able to produce a very, very small loss. It was only a .2, but even if it were a gain I'd be okay with how this week went. I have been shooting for around 1800 calories a day and have been hitting them outside of those 2 1/2 days we were away. I think that is pretty awesome. My body just naturally feels that its back on schedule. That's awesomeness to me.

Home-Food Database.

When we got back home, I made a calorie & sugar food database on a spreadsheet of the foods that we have at home and what I typically eat. I have been able to simply use a formula to record all of my daily calories by simply clicking on a few boxes -- and i don't have to go online to do it. I've even included quick finds on the spreadsheet so that I don't have to go to each ingredient, but that all of the ingredients have already been calculated together to make my find and recording simple. I'm pretty proud of it and it helps for me to keep track -- and I don't have another login to remember :)

Halfway Giveaway Winer.

The giveaway that I was hosting - F.W.A.P. HALFWAY GIVEAWAY - celebrating my halfway mark to my 1010 miles in 2010 goal ended on Friday night. There were 50 entries into the giveaway and using a random generator, the number chosen was.....42.

comment #42 was made by....

Cassie said...
And as far as a simple exercise, I'm not sure what it's called, but like triceps extension (I think) where you have a hand weight over your head and drop it down and raise up over your head. Very simple for me to do while I am at work...

Congratulations Cassie! I will need your information in order to send you your AWESOME gifts! Thanks for participating. email [styler (at) cccb (dot) edu].

What is something that you have been AWESOME at!!!


F.W.A.P. HalfWay GiveAway!

I know that this is the moment that you all have been waiting for! Who doesn't love a good giveaway?! I have reached and surpassed the halfway mark to my goal of 1,010 miles by foot this year. I have overcome many obstacles along the way -- including that broken ankle of mine and have lost a whopping 47 lbs since starting this year and 66 lbs since starting my fitness journey!

If you cannot tell -- I'm pretty stoked about this. It's all down hill from here!

Now to the giveaway. This Giveaway is free for anyone to enter as long as you follow the entry procedures. I hope that you win and that you keep up with your own fitness journey!

I'm biased, but I think this is a pretty good giveaway!

Enter now to win the F.W.A.P. HalfWay GIVEAWAY

(included in the giveaway is one pair of iLogic headphones, one Gold's gym 65cm exercise ball, one beaded jumprope, one headband, one 2010-2011 weekly planner/journal, and one $10 Subway giftcard.)


1 - Become a follower of my blog if you are not already and leave a COMMENT.

2 - Tell my why you want these prizes and leave a COMMENT.

3 - Tell me which post on Fit With a Purpose is your favorite and leave a COMMENT.

4 - Post about this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, OR Facebook account and leave a COMMENT FOR EACH W/Link.

5 - Tell me what your favorite simple exercise is (push-up, sit-up, squat, etc.) and leave a COMMENT!

The F.W.A.P. HalfWay GiVEAWAY will end on Friday August 13th, 2010. Winner will be announced the following day!


Halfway. Oops. Picture.

Hey there everyone! As you can see on the right sidebar -- I made it halfway to my goal of 1010 miles in 2010. With that being said - I have the HalfWay Giveaway post tomorrow!


I have all of the stuff for it, but failed to take a picture and would hate to start the giveaway with no glimpse at what you are getting. I will say though that this giveaway is for anyone to enter when it starts! Even though I do not have a picture of the giveaway items yet - Here is a picture of me in my office for you. I thought it'd be better than nothing, although some may argue that nothing would have been better! :)


Halfway Giveaway. Running the Eight Ball. pocket belt.

I wanted to go ahead and do this post now because my me and Carol are going to go out tonight and wouldn't have time later to do it. Well, I would have time, but don't want to spend my Friday night writing a post. I will though, however, be doing a 1.4 mile run tonight when we get home. Why would I do that you ask -- because I'll have reached 505 miles for the year. That means that I am at the halfway mark to my goal of 1010 miles travelled (by walking, jogging, running)!

I think that calls for a giveaway. You may remember the last giveaway I had (I like to think it was a pretty awesome giveaway if I may add - ask Katie J!). This giveaway is going to be equally awesome! The giveaway entries will begin tomorrow and their will be a post devoted to only it. You'll want to make sure you check it out because it will be pretty solid! That will be tomorrow!

Today, I asked on facebook how many miles I should run for my run today and I had only one answer - 5.2 miles by Steve @ 265andfalling. Thanks Steve! I ignored his suggestion though and only ran 4.02 miles. :)

I decided to run to a local landmark and then I would make a loop having that as my far out destination - that landmark was the Eight Ball water tower. Yes, my town has a water tower that is painted like an Eight know, like in billiards. Just another normal thing around this town.

And here is your proof.

Prior to my run today, I really needed something to hold my phone. I like having my having my phone while running because I get to take the awesome pictures throughout the run. Another positive is that my iPod's battery was low, the mp3 player needed a new battery, and my phone just happens to be able to be used as a mp3 player. It all worked out except that my shorts don't have pockets. That's not a problem - go to the wife and ask her to make you a belt that has a pocket on it so that it can hold it for you while running handsfree! Perfect idea.

She was actually busy doing something, but I went to her craft room and placed her sewing machine in front of her and said, "sew!". Okay, not quite like that, but I found an old shirt of mine and with some of her materials - we made a homemade version of a runner's carry belt. Here's the steps that we took.

1. Cut an old black t-shirt sleeve off.
2. Cut sleeve in half and folded over to make a pocket using hem (terminology is not correct I'm sure) as top of pocket w/hole.
3. Sewed (of course with pink yarn b/c that's what was already threaded on the machine) on the inside of pocket the bottom seam and side seam which left top hole open.
4. Took gray t-shirt yarn (my wife makes yarn using old t-shirts, cool huh?) to use as drawstring of top pocket opening.
5. Took bottom hem of a green t-shirt and made that the actual tie-on belt and sewed pocket to belt.
6. Cut a hole in the phone pocket for headphones to come out of.
7. Tied the belt in a double knot and took off. Didn't feel it the entire run. Was pretty awesome and enjoyed the creative nature of it. And we made it using all recycled material. Neat huh?

Back to the running of the Eight Ball Tower. It made me think about a tip that you could use for running and to gain speed.

Use a landmark and take a timed easy run to it. The next time you run to this landmark, try to beat your previous time there. Continue with trying to get that best time to that specific landmark. If you are worn out by the time you get there - walk home. No big deal to walk. This is just an idea for you to try. If it doesn't help - don't do it - no harm done.

Until tomorrow - and the awesome HALFWAY GIVEAWAY post - be blessed.


Guard Giraffes. Park Running Pictures.

So, I'm rarely asked all the time about where I run. I thought that today would be a good time to show you some of where I run. It is usually nothing out of the ordinary until you run by bushes that are trimmed to be in the shape of giraffes. Again though, nothing out of the ordinary in the town of 3,000 right? Ha!

This morning I decided that it would be good to start the day out with a short run. It was actually mid-morning and I had already been busy, but there's always time for a short run right? I actually changed it into a tour of the town I live in attempt to find odd things about this place. I think the best was the above picture - guard giraffes.

I had a pretty slow start to this challenge, but have picked up some steam as it continues. I'm looking for this month to hold the most miles in my attempt to hit 1,010 miles this year. I am just under halfway there and we have already been though 7 months. I've got quite a few miles left in a short period of time. Looks like I have some extra initiative I guess.

Another part of most of my runs travels through one of our parks. It is a nice place to be as you can see in the below picture. The not so large body of water is about 1/2 mile around.

I don't typically run around it time after time, but I do travel around it to get to the other side of the park. It's nice on the eyes and it is close to the 1/2 way mark around the normal 3 mile route I take.

I still have a workout to complete tonight. With that said, enjoy the rest of your night or the rest of your day (if you're reading bright and early!).

What will you accomplish today?


Sickly Skinny. Insight Letter. Weigh In Picture.

I think we all have those times when we just run out of steam when it comes to blogging - I hit that last week and didn't post at all for a week. It's back though. It's clicked again and here I am.
Lately, I have had people tell me that I look sickly skinny (and I am no where close to that), but do believe it is because they are the ones that knew me when I was big. Mac at getfitslowly did a post about this and I agree with him. People that have known me big will have an opinion on how I look and at how I will look when I hit goal weight. It may not always be a positive opinion. I never thought of it this way, but people will now poke at me telling me I need to eat more or that I am too healthy. It's weird to think that.

Can it be that my weight loss has them feeling inferior or has given them personal convictions about their own weight?

Either way, I know where I need to be and I will not stop. The challenge that I have been hosting has been going well and I have reached the 180s again. I finally feel that I've found my groove again in weight loss. No more maintaining! I haven't felt like this in a couple months - glad to have it again.

I wrote a message, as I try to do often, to those that are participating in the challenge. I thought that it applied to all of you reading as well, so I have posted it for you.

Hey Everyone!

Week 3 can be very challenging for a lot of people during this six week challenge. Some have dropped out after just two weeks in prior challenges and I hope that this is not the case with this one. Last week appeared to be a tough week for many of you - myself included. We all have different things going on in our lives that play a part in how active we are in our pursuit of better health.

I just wanted to give you some insight and also to challenge you to take a closer look at how this can make a difference in how you live your life.

I use to weigh 255 lbs. That is, according to my BMI chart (which many insurance companies go from - ridiculous I know), 85-100 lbs overweight. I was unhappy with how I looked, unhappy in what I could and couldn't do, and unhappy in how I felt physically. I was good at hiding it though and you wouldn't have been able to tell that I was unhappy. Something clicked though and I wanted to change. I saw a picture of myself that was taken during school. I thought to myself, "that's what I look like?". At that point, I gave up my mountain dew addiction. I lost 15 lbs the rest of that year and all I did was give up Mountain Dew. This year - starting January 5th, 2010 - I have been disciplined, self-controlled, and motivated to get to 170 lbs. I've lost just over 50 lbs this year and feel pretty great. It's amazing the difference in how I hold myself, how I feel, and how bright the future seems.

I don't write this message to boast on my accomplishments or successes, but to show you that you can do this despite how difficult it feels sometimes. Success builds on success and you can overcome the difficult periods with discipline, self-control, and motivation to be what you were meant to be. We were not meant to be lazy, fat, or a slave to bad habits. Choose a healthier life and see just how far you can go.

I have 19.6 pounds to go to hit that goal weight and I will get there. I want to help you get to where you want to be too. Don't view this challenge as just a way to win money or something that is temporary, but as an opportunity to build a strong foundation to a mountain of healthy successes.

Week 3 will be our best week yet if you set your mind to it. Focus and follow through.

- Seth

There you go. Here is my last weigh-in picture for the challenge.