If you think about it - the one thing that kills the run, the runner, and the runner's time....is doubt. Metaphorically that is for all of you strictly literal people :)
Let's give this theory a little thought.
I grew up fairly athletic. I played each sport that was offered. There were times when I would get injured though. One time I was playing in a baseball game and the outfielder slid under me while I was catching the ball and tore all the ligaments in my ankle. I played Superman and acted like it was nothing and tried to get back in the game. The injury didn't stop my mindset of finishing what I had started.
Living in the MidWest, there tends to be several stormy days. Sometimes, those stormy days amount to several consecutive days of rain in a row. I remember though earlier this year when it was raining that I completed a PR to that date on the one mile run. The elements didn't stop my mindset of finishing what I had started.
I started running as a way to aid in weight loss. I was a heavy man that hadn't really run long distance before. You could have found me slogging (slow jogging - thanks Louis) around Clinton knowing that I'll hit my goal. Those goals were a lot less than what I have now, but my weight didn't stop my mindset of finishing what I had started.
but doubt...
doubt will stop me in my tracks everytime if I let it's ugly face show...
doubt is to a runner as kryptonite is to Superman -- it's detrimental.
I think I had doubted my running ability up until last night. I knew I could run, but could I run the longer distances. Could I do the Half Marathon? I questioned myself and my ability to do so, until last night.
I hit what I consider a milestone for my running. I ran 10 miles straight with no stopping. It was at a slow pace -- but for me to go that long, it'll be a slow pace :)
10 miles is a big number for me. I ran for nearly 2 hours. Up hills, down hills, 2 miles of gravel, and rickety bridges. It was a 11'13" pace that I am proud of.
No more doubt, just belief.
I am success.

Dude, ten miles is freaking amazing. You should be proud.
My kryptonite? Self-control. If I had the self-control from 5 pm to midnight that I have in the morning, I'd have been at goal weight fifteen years ago.
Doubt is definitely Kryptonite... because it worms it's way into everything. If you have doubt, your self-confidence flounders, which makes your self-control flounder, etc.
Either way - great job on the 10 mile run!!!! :) And the 3.2 pound loss! Rock on!
I couldn't agree more! Doubt has stopped me cold in my tracks on more than one occassion in my life. I'm learning to let go of doubt and TRUST that God does have His best in mind for me, and if that means I try something and fail - than there was something I was supposed to learn from the experience. ;) Good for weight loss and all forms of life!
Way to go on running 10 miles Seth that's terrific! Yea, doubt, self control too, thing I have plenty of kryptonite but you know it's all in my head. So maybe my kryptonite is my brain lol.
Wow- great post Seth! I just did 6 miles this morning myself. Feels so good to hit new milestones in our running doesn't it! I think my furthest I have ever gone is 8 miles, but I have a race coming up in October and trying to get in a 10 miler or 2 might not be a bad idea... Congrats and good luck in your future runs!!!
First, I love the word slogging! I laughed out loud when I read it. That is going to be my word of the week. I will used it as much as possible.
My Kryptonite would be a lack of planning and being unorganized. Because I don't take the time to plan and get my stuff in order, I mess up on meals and exercise. When I plan the day ahead of time, I get more accomplished and I stick to my goals.
That is an awesome accomplishment!! My kryptonite?? Wanting to give in even though if i tough it out i could go quite a bitter further.
Way to go!!! Doubt is the killer for me. I always kick myself when I am down. Gotta fx that!!
great job on the 10. and great post on doubt.
this post was for me! thanks!
I get what your'e saying. I'm a slogger too and when I start out with a run doubting I'll complete the distance I set out for myself, well, I'm setting myself up for failing.
Every time I say "just do it. Get it done..." guess what? I get it done.
Congrats on the 10 miles and running for 2 hours... that's pretty darn awesome!
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