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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Health insurance. Health Scores. Weigh-In Picture.

health insurance.
My wife and I had been without health insurance for a while and we finally found something that was affordable and decent. It might not be the greatest health insurance, but it works for now. I was a little nervous as I signed up for the insurance because of my experience before. It's no secret that we work on a limited budget and we try to make the most out of our money. My experience before with signing up for health insurance is that after I was quoted an amount - and sent in the application - we received back that the risk assessment came back higher and our payment would be 100+ dollars more per month than what was quoted. I asked them why --- it was because of my weight. I've lost some weight if you have not been able to see from my pictures and I am able to say that it did not affect the risk assessment. We were approved. I like the way that sounds.

health scores.

It kind of makes me think about credit scores and such. Well, there is a health score and so many people do not care about their health score until they have a health scare. It's actually quite a bit alike (credit score & health score). Think about it.

-You are free to do more without limitations.
-People are more willing to trust you b/c of the care you put into yourself.
-Through the many studies, it's almost safe to say that better treatment comes with a better score.

I don't think it's much of a stretch to see that better health scores allow more freedom to get what you want rather than settling for less. Just an idea.

weigh-in pic.

Week 1 on the challenge I am hosting is over and it is off to a great start for many people! I am including in this challenge and am off to an okay start. I knew that week 1 wouldn't be as stellar as others because of my recent birthday. I knew that I was going to indulge in some things that I wouldn't typically - I didn't go overboard though. Here is my weigh-in picture from yesterday.

Week 1 Weigh-IN

Opinion on Health Score and Credit Score - Share it!


B-day. Running Form. New Shoes. Goulash Coolash.

My birthday is tomorrow. I like my birthdays simple. I don't have to have a lot of things or a party; I just like to hang out and have a good time. My wife gets frustrated with that, but that's how I have always been. My friends who are missionaries to Germany are currently in the states and will be here at my house tomorrow - on my birthday! I love it. I'm so excited to see them. It's been a very long time, but I have a feeling that it'll just pick back up like they had never left. I can't wait to hang out.

other news.

On Wednesdays I go to a nearby town and hit up the local Starbuck's. I love coffee and they have some stuff that I really enjoy. I also get my money's worth as I stay there for a few hours enjoying the entire environment and do some great studying. One of the things that I got to study up on today was (and it's no surprise) - running.

Running Form.

I read up and watched some videos on the proper form of running and the benefits of tuning into your body while running. Look for a post coming up on some of what I have learned. I utilized some of the tips in my run today and my run was great!

One of the things that I will talk about is the necessity to keep your body going forward. One thing that I know I struggle with is that I tend to swing my arms across my body and not front to back. When I do that - it causes a misalignment in my running and affects the entire form. The idea is to use your arms, but that they go straight in the direction that you are going (not like a punch, but a simple bend in your arms and going front front to back). Another aspect of this alignment is to make sure your feet are facing straight as well when running. I used this information today and it was strange because I normally swing my arms across. Who knew something so small could make a difference!

New Shoes.

After I finished my awesome coffee I headed over to a nearby sports store. I took my time as I looked at the running shoes. I had purchased some new shoes a while back, but they were hurting my feet. This time I did my research and I think I walked away with some pretty awesome shoes. I used them tonight, and tonights time was the best I have had on that particular course. I ran the 3.04 miles in 29'33" @ a 9'41" pace.

The run felt good.

Goulash Coolash.

I also wanted to give a shoutout because she helped me out when I was in a bind. She doesn't know it just yet - but she did.

I was in need of a meal to make for me and my wife and something rather easy. I put a tweet out there asking for a quick meal and to my surprise - got zero replies, at least not at that time. I read many blogs and one that I know who posts recipes is Tonya @ Unlikely Success Story. I always comment on her meals and if I could, I would hire her as a chef for my family :)
I found a recipe called Goulash Coolash and it seemed easy enough to make -- so I made it.

It was delicious! My wife does not like Goulash, but she loved Goulash Coolash! Thanks Tonya for the awesome recipe and just to give you the respect - I took a picture of it. I didn't do the mixed vegetables, but it turned out delish!

Goulash Coolash

What is the best thing that has happened to you this week!


Challenge #3 Pic. Genious Creativity. Stoked.

Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge # 3 starts today and I am taking part in it. What does this mean for you that read my blog? That means that you will again be seeing my day to day struggles and successes as they come for the next six weeks at a closer viewpoint. When I take part in this challenge, I focus hard. I love the fitness and weight loss blogosphere and this is where I come to get stronger mentally - so I need you especially the next six weeks.

The first challenge I took part in, I lost 17 lbs. Here I am a month and a half later having maintained that weight. I did dip just under the 190 lbs mark, but it is a day to day battle on whether the 180s shows its face. Throughout the next six weeks - I plan on ditching the 190s completely and be close to getting rid of 180s. I'm ready for this challenge.

My starting weight Picture

In a month I will be officiating my sister's wedding. That will be four weeks into the challenge and I'm thinking that the lower 180s will be in store for that day.

There is still room for a couple more participants as of Monday, July 19th, to join in on the challenge. You would need to let me know by 10:00pm Central Time tonight.

Running this morning was killer again. The heat and humidity will not let up. I ran mid-morning and have come to the realization that in this weather - walking breaks are smart. I did take some pretty cool measures to beat the heat.

I made a visor. I like to wear hats when I am running, but in this heat - I can't do it because I am then only retaining that heat - which would lead to an overheating and exhaustion. I took an old Kansas City Royals hat of mine and cut the top of it off. It worked great. It was still so hot today that my visor was dripping with sweat though.

At least that part is over with today (I love running, but hate heat index of 110 or whatever it was). I do still have a workout to do today - some P90X! I'm looking forward to the challenge and am determined to rock it!

Discipline pushes limits.

and that is the truth.

What thing are you stoked about that has you pushing yourself harder?!


I Was. I Am. I Will Be. This is ME.

I was fat.
I was unhealthy.
I was 85-95 lbs overweight.
I was 255 lbs.
I was unable to run without taking breaks.
I was slowly killing myself.
I was a hypocrite.
I was unhappy with myself (wouldn't have told you though).
I was slow.
I was sinking.
I am not fat.
I am becoming fit.
I am able to run over an hour with no breaks.
I am giving myself potential years of life.
I am practicing what I preach.
I am happy with myself.
I am fast.
I am progressing.
I will be fit.
I will strive to be the fittest in the room.
I will run a half marathon and a marathon...
I will have given myself respect by being healthy.
I will have given my wife respect by being healthy.
I will have given my future kids the opportunity to experience their father in life.
I will continue to practice what I preach.
I will be happy with where I am.
I will be faster.
I will never stop progressing.
because I can.
This is me. This is a part of why I am here. This is my life.
This is reality.
Who are you?
Where were you at and where will you be?


Challenge #2 Winner Before & After Pics. Comment Love.

We all are still fighting the heat and humidity and think that we will be for a while still. I got some great suggestions through comments on the last post. I do have to say - that I just don't like getting on the treadmill at all. I meant too yesterday and failed to do so. I found it easier to play the Wii than get on the treadmill. None-the-less, I've got to do what I need to do. I still might go run the hills that's in the training plan or just might hop on the treadmill today.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

I wanted to show you some of what goes on in my life through this post. I've told you that I am a busy man and one of the things that I do is host Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge (new challenge starts on Monday, be sure to go sign up - I think you'll want to by the end of this post). You wouldn't think that it takes much time, but in reality it does take some time. If you read my blog regularly - you know that I host a challenge and that challenge #2 ended this past Monday. The way that I wanted to show you a part of my life is by the results of what I spend my time on. I mentioned that I would show you the winner's results and before and after pictures of challenge #2 if she would allow it.

She said yes!

Melissa is the second challenge's winner and has taken part in both challenges to date. She has lost a total of 25.2 lbs in 12 weeks through hard work, sweat, and the daily struggles that come with weight loss.

Here goes...

I do not think that Melissa has a blog site yet, but I do know that she reads this blog regularly.

Be sure to comment and show her some love! We are all in this together!


Fat ring + Skinny fingers = Big OOPS. Tough, Humbling Run.

I was humbled during my run today. It started out like any other run, but about 2/3 of the way through it -- I had to stop. I don't believe that I've stopped during a scheduled run until this run today. Just yesterday, I commented in my post saying, "If I can run 5 miles -- then the 3 miles in training is nothing." Let me tell you - that five miles was easier than the 2 miles that I ran today. I'll tell you just a bit more about my run.

I was running at a solid, easy pace (about 9'30" mile) and was feeling pretty good about the run. I remember looking at my watch at my markers and felt comfortable and in the groove. Yesterday, I also told you that I needed to try something new to fuel myself when I am doing the longer runs. I had bought a hydration pack (not camelback brand) and decided that I would try it today on a short run to see how it feels. I think it just made me hotter with it attached to me. It did come in handy a little later in the run, but I'll get to that.

I make my way through the park and onto the highway. While I was running - this may sound weird - but I have to keep my ring finger permantly in a bent position b/c of the size of my ring. Now, don't get me wrong, this is a good problem to have (having lost so much weight that my ring does not stay on), but when my ring falls off on the side of the highway while running in the hot and heavy air [ooops] --- not cool. Luckily, I noticed that it had fallen off quickly and was able to recover it.

That wasn't all of it. I couldn't get back to the running after that. The air was so hot and thick with the humidity - that I was done. I walked back home gulping that hydration pack! Turns out, I needed that hydration pack for this run. Only about 2/3 of the way through the run and my shirt was already soaked almost entirely.

The above shirt is product of the mid-Missouri Heat & Humidity @ 9:00pm.

I walked the rest of the way home. Ha! It was an enjoyable walk though :)

That's what I got for you today. I hope you enjoyed. Be sure to come back - send your friends too!

How do you overcome the heat and humidity??
(besides air condition :))


Week 1 done. Weight Loss Challenge Results. Hydration needs.

Week 1 = Done.

I've completed my first week of the modified half-marathon training plan. It is, my opinion anyway, a solid plan to reach my goal of running the entire half marathon. I did have some struggles in getting the P90X completed after I had completed my runs - but I think that comes with time. I did my long run of 5 miles yesterday (actually 5.02! - ha) and I felt pretty good with it. I noticed that I was able to push myself even at the end of it. I always enjoy doing the longer runs only because it makes the shorter runs that much easier. My thinking is this:

If I can run 5 miles -- then the 3 miles in training is nothing.

If you look at the picture of my run (MistrTyler on - I almost ran completely around the town that I live in. It took me 52'46" to complete. I am very happy with this run because I had not run that distance in quite some time. My love for running is stirring back up inside - not that it had ever left - it's just showing its face a lot more.

Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge
(is it weird I named it after myself...I don't think so :) )

The 2nd challenge is over and we have another winner! The winner was a female once again. She participated in the first challenge too, but came up short and did not win. The second challenge - she was determined to win and set out to win it all. I would love to put her beginning picture (from starting challenge #1 weight photo) and ending picture (challenge #2 last weigh-in) on this site - but have to wait for permission first. I can tell you her beginning weight and ending weight though with no problems.

She lost 14.4 lbs (losing 6.95% of body weight to win) this challenge and 10.8 during challenge #1 for a combined total of 25.8 lbs in just 12 weeks!

That is crazy awesome and we all are very proud of her hard work. There were other contestants that did just as well with weight loss. 2nd place lost 21.3 lbs (losing 6.69% of body weight) and 3rd place lost 14.2 lbs (losing 5.29% of body weight). The third place winner took part in challenge #1 as well and has lost a great deal of weight in just 12 weeks.

The 3rd installment of my six-week challenge will start on Monday, July 19th, 2010. It will be capped off at 20 contestants. It is just ten dollars to enter and the winner receives the entry fees as the 1st place prize. It really is a sound, encouraging, and beneficial weight loss challenge. It promotes a healthy way to lose weight. Go here to check it out and join! There are contestants already signed up - so do not delay in signing up! Go ahead and check out how and what the past challengers have done to succeed. Feel free to browse through the pictures and discussion boards to get a feel for how the contest is organized and ran.

I needed something.
When I was doing my long run yesterday - I needed water. I felt that it was probably time that I start thinking about how I will fuel myself during those longer runs. It would be nice though if I could just get someone to set up at different locations in order to give me cups of water or something to keep going. Until that happens, I will just have to use the hydration pack that I purchased today. I'm not sure how I'll do with something strapped to my back, but we will see. I needed something - so I got something.

How do you give your body the fuel it needs when working out?


Stillness. Quality of FIT. Make it Better.

This morning - I am sitting here waiting for my stomach to settle from breakfast so that I can do my workout. It's very peaceful this morning. The only thing I really hear is the air conditioner running. My wife got up this morning earlier than I did and now she is napping on the couch. We put the cat in its room (guest room) at night so that it doesn't get into anything - she is still in there.

The quietness, peace, and stillness really promotes a reflective attitude. As I talked about in my last post - I am hosting my third weight loss challenge (go here to check it out and JOIN!). I will be taking part in that challenge in hopes to shed the last few pounds. It's a six week deal and the first challenge that I took part in - I lost 17 lbs. Now, I know that I have just over 17 lbs to lose - so the results form the first challenge won't be happening this time. That challenge will help me to lose ten pounds though. I can not believe I am this close to that goal of 170 lbs. It's scary and exciting at the same time.

This peacefulness is just too awesome to destroy - I just supressed a cough in order to not disrupt the silence.

I can't help but think today about what my life consisted of 65 lbs ago. The thought of me telling someone that I was fit makes me smile today. I was confused. I had lied to myself for so long that I believed it. I was misinformed.

Today, I won't tell anyone that I am fit. I'll say that I am fitter than I was or that I am getting fit. Obviously, with the name of my site - one day I would love to be able to say...

"I am fit with a purpose."

That day is close. I think I will hit my 170 goal by the end of the year. I am sitting in this place of quiet solitude scared and overjoyed at the thought of being able to hit that goal. (I'm also wondering if that is a spider on the curtain)

What happens when I hit that goal? Who knows? Life will still go on as it normally does - it won't stop because I have reached a number. I am holding some things back though until I hit that goal. There are things that I am working on for when I do meet my specific goal. It's not a change of career (could promote it though). It's not to become a trainer (which would be awesome). It's not a trip or anything (someone want to pay for one?).

It's actually rather small and simple in my eyes - but it's important to me. (I am debating this last paragraph b/c I am keeping my plans to myself and don't think the paragraph is really needed. I will decide by the end of this post.)

The month of June was a hard one. I stayed on track and still lost weight, but I had a lot going on. With the move, the weeks I was away, and the extra busyness complete - I am making July better on this fitness/weight loss front.

How are you making July better than the rest of the year?


The Great Debate. Challenge #3 is open!

The Great Debate.

This week I have attempted at doing morning workouts instead of sleeping in and waiting to do my workout in the evening. I have made a list of pros and cons for both sides. If you want to enter the debate for Team Morning or Team Evening - please chip in.
Team Morn

  • cool weather
  • workout is already done for the day
  • metabolism is in full gear
  • only one shower is needed for the day
  • feel accomplished already


  • you have to wake up early to do it
  • I feel that I can't eat enough throughout the day
  • feel as if I still need to work out after a day of eating
  • not as many people to wave too

Team Eve


  • Feel as if you dominated the calories taken in
  • more people to wave too as they drive by while running
  • more sweat due to heat
  • you can relax for the rest of the day after workout is complete
  • more time for a longer workout
  • you don't have to wake up early for it


  • you justify a cookie b/c you still have to workout
  • not as much time with the family
  • you're tired from the day already
  • you feel plump b/c you've eaten a day's worth already
  • hotter weather

So there you have it. My internal debate between morning and evening workouts. I can't figure it out. I will continue to do morning workouts for now - only because I like the feeling of having already accomplished something by 10:00am.

Challenge # 3 is open for contestants.

While we are on the subject of accomplishing things - I want to let you know the weight loss challenge (Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge) is now open for new participants! This will be the 3rd challenge already! I can not believe at how fast it really goes.

I'm not bragging or anything, but the challenge produces results!

During the first two challenges (challenge #2 will end on Monday) - the two groups have lost a combined total of 203.0 lbs!!

That is 203 lbs in only 11 weeks. That is crazy awesome to me! There have been a total of 23 challengers -- that's roughly 7.8 lbs loss per challenger!

I have opened up the group page for newcomers! If you want to be a part of an environment that promotes healthy weight loss, interacts with struggles and successes, and is all around encouraging -- join the group and sign up for the next six week challenge! We have one participant that has lost 24 pounds in 11 weeks (go check out her progression of pics on the site) and another that has lost over 25 pounds (go check him out too) over the first two challenges!

I am very happy that I could be a part of their life changing decisions. I really don't want to come across like I am boasting b/c that is far away from the truth.

Simply put, I just really like to help people with this fat epidemic. Go here to join the group and take part in the third installment of Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge!

What is one thing that you are struggling with right now?


Modified Half Plan. Night Run Thoughts. Believing in Yourself.

Today was another packed day. I went to bed knowing that I needed to get up early in order to get everything done. I didn't get up early at all. I was up before 9:00am though. I've been struggling with getting up early. My plan is to get up at 7:00am tomorrow and do my workout for week 1 day 3 of the modified Half training plan I created. You can view it here! It's a cross between Hal Higdon's and P90x. Looks promising to me!

After working today - my wife and I went to an auction where we find some pretty good deals. We did find some, but finding those deals took quite a long time. I was losing sunlight and losing sunlight fast. It was 8:30pm when we left the auction and started home. We live about 20 minutes from the place and the sun was no longer visible. This made me think of a few things that I hadn't thought of before.

(3.04 miles in 28'10" --- Day 2 of Half Training)

1. I need some type of reflective gear to run in at night.
2. Don't wait until dark to run. (duh!)
3. It's going to be different running in the cool of the day rather than the blistering heat.

I am getting back into posting daily after my many weeks away from home and my mind is getting back into that routine. I really wanted to have something solid to post today. As great minds do, I thought to myself - "I need to think of something profound to speak about as a grand entrance back to full time blogging."

Well, here is that profound thought: If you believe that you can not get fit - you will never get fit.

Okay, not too profound I know, but it is true.

I challenge you to believe in yourself.

Negativity only sets you up for failure. If you set yourself up for failure - don't be surprised when you experience failure.

Believe in yourself that you will be successful in this. There are a few ways that you can ensure this to happen; to make success happen.

1. Know why you are doing this - getting healthy.
2. Lay out plans on how you will achieve a healthy level.
3. Execute said plans one day at a time.
4. Evaluate periodically your plans and adjust where necessary.
5. Push harder than the day before.
6. Enjoy the experience - knowing that it can be bumpy sometimes.
7. Never stop believing in yourself.

There have been a lot of people so far this year that have stopped believing in themselves. I hope that you will not stop. The moment that we stop believing in ourselves and start believing that we can not do it, that we are not worth it, or that it's better to be unhealthy - we will fail.

Let today be the day you pick yourself back up and push harder than you have before.


A letter to the 180's. 5k Results. and Commitment.

I stepped on the scale on Friday - which was the first time in a long time - not really knowing what it would say. I have and had been trying pretty hard to get to the 180's for quite some time now...and well, I finally hit it.


I weighed myself three times. I yelled for asked my wife politely to get the camera so that I could capture that number on the scale for the first time since my sophomore year in high school. I enjoyed that moment, even though I am sure it might have just been a little water weight loss -- I have now seen that number - there is no stopping me from getting under it.

In light of my new found number, I have taken a bit of Half of Jess' idea in writing it a letter.

Dear 180's,

Ha! I found you. You couldn't hide from me forever - did you really think so? I'm glad that we found each other again because the 190's were becoming a bit old. Every time I looked for you - I always found the 190's staring back at me. It was kind of like on Super Mario Wii when you beat the boss and are hoping for princess to come safely into your arms - only to receive the witch. But I've found you. I will enjoy this next ten pound loss with you, but want you to know upfront that I am committed to the 170's. Let's not make this a long term thing 180 - Let's just enjoy it while it lasts.


That number on the scale gave me some momentum for the trip I was about to go on. I was traveling back to the town we just moved from in June in order to run my 4th 5k of the year. Yes, that means that I ran two official 5k's in one week. Here's the recap of the Mo2Co 5k from Last Sunday. Saturday's 5k was much easier than last Sunday's b/c there were no hills in the route.

There were 175 people registered for this run (that seems very small to you big city people right?) and we crammed everyone into four busses and they shipped us out to the starting point. We ran along the Katy Trail, which is about 3 yards wide the entire race. There were a lot of people crammed on this trail, but after the first mile - it became much more comfortable. I purposely picked up my pace the first mile so that I could stick myself between the leading pack and tiring pack behind me. It seemed to work alright. My legs seemed tired though, (maybe the cycling I've been doing).

(immediately after Old Glory Days 5k - can't see my number #243...i think)

I finished the race with the time of 26'59". I am not sure where amongst the 175 registered that I fell - they will be sending out an email with that soon. I'm happy with my time, compared to last Sunday's time of 31 minutes and something (crazy hills!), but felt that I could have done better. I've decided to restart the Higdon Half Training so that I could be more meticulous with it. I am going to modify it, as I've told you before, and include more strength training.

I am committed.

One thing my wife and I have been talking about lately is just being committed to the things that we are involved in. Life gets chaotic sometimes and you feel torn between fifty different things - giving less than 100% in each place. The truth is that life happens that way sometimes.

We'd love to have a family, but that hasn't happened yet.

We'd love to have more money, but that is a work in progress.

We'd love to see more growth at the church, still working with it.

We'd love to be fit and healthy, gettting closer!!!!

We'd love to have permanant housing, nothing has come up yet.

There's a lot of things that are going on that seem that they are at a stand still -- but we've committed ourselves. That commitment will take hard work. That commitment will take discipline, self control, and a watchful eye.

It's the same with fitness. There's so much that we see to be done, so much to track, and so much hard work -- but to be do it.

What are you committed to? How are you going to achieve it?


Mo to Co 5k Results. Competitive Nature. Olde Glory Days 5k Sat.

MO 2 CO 5k.

I ran in my third official 5k on Sunday. It was the Mo 2 Co 5k, which was supporting a local youth group to travel from Missouri to Colorado to go to NYR (Nationwide Youth Round-up) later this month. A good friend of mine set the 5k up and was running (organizing) and decided to run it the last minute. It was his first 5k to run. He’s decided to train for the Half with me too now.

(If you want to train and interact with other Half trainers – go here to join my Half Marathon Training facebook group.)

Back to the race.

I finished in 31 minutes.

That is my slowest time yet.

I won’t lie – that was really frustrating and upsetting when I finished with that time.

Competitive Nature

That's why it was so hard to take in the results.

I am very competitive when it comes to anything. It’s hard not to be and it’s something that I have to watch and look out for. I’ve always striven to be the best and I think it’s just a factor of my work ethic.

I simply want to be the best at everything.

Let me tell you a little bit more about the race which might give reason why to me getting my slowest time.

Before I tell about it – I want you to know that I accept this time and don’t think that I could have done better at my fitness level right now – so these are not excuses. I just want to tell you about the race.

(Matt, if you are reading – I’m grateful for the 5k and how it has helped me reach my goal of three 5k’s this year…it was a fun time! It was great to see you as well.)

The Obstacle and my Plan to overcome.

The Hills: This race had hills that were crazy long and large. As soon as you completed one hill – there was another one waiting. I have not trained on hills yet and it was quite the eye-opening experience for me. My plan to overcome these obstacles is to train on larger and longer hills. A member at our church lives in a country setting subdivision type of place (?) and is a two mile loop around a lake. It has huge hills. That is my plan.

The Mud and Gravel: After about 200 yards into the race, it turned into a muddy gravel run. I run on paved roads typically and don’t get the opportunity to run on the gravel. The only reason it was muddy was because it poured right before the race. My plan to overcome the mud and gravel is to use my cross trainers and run on a gravel road every so often. We have plenty of them around.

The Silence: As I said, it poured before the race and I was unsure if it was going to rain agtain during the race – so I left the iPod with my wife. Silence. Only the voices in my head were able to keep me going. I have no idea how many times I said “Discipline Pushes Limits”. I overcame the silence during the race by encouraging those that I either passed or ran next too. My plan to overcome this is to make sure I bring the crappy mp3 player along with the iPod.

All in all – I do feel that I did well even with the unfamiliar obstacles. It was a smaller 5k with only about 35 people running/walking. I finished 6th among all people with the time of 31’24”. I think that, by its self, tells about how difficult the race was. I forgot to take the picture with the purple race shirt that I received. That does complete my goal of three 5k’s and go here to see my results for each race that I ran.

On Saturday, July 3rd, I have another 5k. I am hoping to fair better at this race. I’ve ran a similar course to this upcoming one and would like to be sub 30 again. I don’t really have a time goal except for sub 30. I think that if I am running under a 10’ pace…I’m doing okay for myself. Of course, I want to be doing better than that, but I also know how busy and lax I have been with my running b/c of that busyness.

I would love to place in my age bracket again.

Yeah - I’ll go for it.

What are you striving for right now? Be specific - what is your next goal?