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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Shout-outs. Workout. Bargains. Relaxation. Questions.

The picture has nothing to do with anything. I was on skype with my friends in Germany and took it. It's is probably about a month or two old.

If any of you are on Twitter - hit me up. "@MistrTyler"

I also wanted to give a few shout-outs to some of those bloggers that I have been reading a lot of lately. Mac @ getfitslowly, Jess @ halfofjess, Mary @ amerrylife, Nicole @ letthemeatlettuce, Jeremy @ thestellarpath, Craig @ mylifetake8, Chris @ adeliberatelife, Andrew @ andrewisgettingfit, and my wife Carol @ thatischarming.


I woke up today at 7:00am, which is sleeping in by 30 minutes for me, and went through my normal daily routine. That is, all except for the going to work part. I love holiday breaks. I also love my body being on a schedule b/c I feel that it is honest with me when I have a schedule to follow. I really enjoyed getting up and not having to go do anything specific. I got a bowl of Raisin Bran (every morning) and did a little reading while eating. I was able to check my Google reader and drink a cup of coffee all in the comfortable environment of my living room. Fantastic.


My wife woke up and we decided to go to some garage sales. Let me tell you, I am a bargain man. I don't like spending full price on anything and will try to lower any price if you'd let me. When you don't have a lot - you don't want to spend a lot. Anyhow, the prices at the sales today were really good. We also stopped by the local thrift store which is my favorite thrift store b/c they are super cheap...except for exercise equipment or any sporting goods. They had an exercise bike/machine (definitely older) but they wanted $40 for it. That may seem reasonable for some, but in Mid-MO -- that is not that good. I also bought a jump-rope at Walmart today.


My Ankle has been feeling really good lately - I still can not fully extend it but it is healing really well. My opinion of course.

I bought a new brace today for it so that I could have some more mobility and it felt great to not be constricted to the toe to knee brace. I used it for my workout which consisted of the following:

  • Shoot 100+ plus shots (basketball)
  • Vertical Chest press (3 sets of 10 w/10lb weight increments each set)
  • Lat Pull Downs front (2 sets of 8)
  • Push-ups (40 so far) [all one legged]
  • Bicycle machine (10 minutes - 1.23 miles)
  • walk laps around the track (3.17 miles so far walking today)
Everything seems to be going smooth right now and with the great weather outside my body has been itching to go for a run. In good time, I'll be able to. I love fitness.

What is your favorite type of workout and exercise to perform?