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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


BMHW Challenge Giveaway Winner & another Pic

I am seriously motivated to keep on with bettering myself. I'm not sure what it is but something clicked and I want to try new things and to push forward even harder. I can picture my body taking shape physically and that is some of the motivation I know. I took some progress pictures, as I do every two weeks, and badly want to put them up here but will not until school is out. I have my shirt off in them and I'm not sure how many of my kids read this blog and the thought of me with my shirt off is not something I want them thinking about while at school.

I will however give you another pic that I found on my computer as a Before picture. I'm going to be changing the "My Pictures" page up soon so that it is more organized and cleaner.

Now to the important stuff. The winner for the Blogger-Made Home Workout Challenge is...

Congratulations Gokey! If you are Gokey and want to receive your prize - be sure to return the email that I send you. I know that you have another name and I will look back to get it - but Gokey works for now.

Ankle News:

The ankle seems to be doing just fine. It is still bruised and fat, but I do have a little more mobility in it. It is actually the fibula bone that is fractured. I continue to walk on it daily with the boot and the boot has been so supportive. I've been wearing the pedometer that last few days; yesterday and today's distances have been 2 + miles. I'm happy about that. It's holding up well I do believe.


Yesterday I tried Yoga for the first time and someone told me not too. They did tell me to try Pilates. My wife does Pilates every so often and so I thought that I would give that a try tonight. It will be interesting to see how that works out. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

Now that I am picking up some miles --- that 200 mile giveaway is right around the corner. There are so
me good prizes that will be given away - be sure to stick around to find out.

What do you do when you hit a wall with workouts and/or weight loss?