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5k Race Results. Bug Swallowing. Weigh In Picture.

5k Race results.

On this past Saturday, I took part in my 5th 5k of the year. My goal this year was to do three 5k's -- it just keeps growing. Saturday's 5k was suppose to be my best time, but I couldn't get that new PR. I travelled pretty slow, but there was nothing left in the tank. That's okay though.

I was pretty stoked at this 5k because two people that I believe I have influenced in the weight loss/get healthy/running areas participated as well. They finished 3 seconds apart (I think) somewhere in the 33 minute range! I'm proud of both of them.

It wasn't my PR, but it wasn't all bad news for me.

I placed in my age division again. I got 1st and came 20something out of about 90 runners. I finished with 26'52". That is my 2nd fastest actual 5k time. I am planning to find another 5k on October 2nd and then do a half marathon on October 30th in Warrensburg, MO. October 2nd will produce my PR in the 5k. My mind is set. :)

Swallowing of the bug.

As you can probably sense, I wasn't satisfied with my time at the 5k. On Sunday, I set out to set a new unofficial PR for my 5k time. I was at pace to do what I set out to do...until a bug flew into my mouth and lodged itself in the back of my throat. I started choking, gagging, and I needed to throw up, but just couldn't. After all of that (which took place at an intersection), I couldn't get my pace and breathing back. This happned 13 minutes into the run. Not happy!

It happens though :) On a bright note, I have been able to see noticeable changes this morning in my physique. I've been able to crawl on walls, fly, and can hear really well!

Weigh in.

Also, here is the second weigh-in picture from Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge #4. It's a small loss, but it's a loss. I'm going to be changing my eating habits and workouts up to get some sort of confusion in my body. I think it needs it.

What has been your favorite part of your daily routine lately?