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Insanity Day 4. Skype with Germany

Insanity Update

I completed day 4 of Insanity last night.

I actually enjoyed the workout.  It was the Cardio Recovery and  the stretches got so deep.  It wasn't until I was doing the workout that I realized how much I needed those deep stretches.  I felt fine all day yesterday and when I actually got to the workout and saw how inflexible I was do to tightness - I knew I needed it. It reminded me kind of like the p90x yoga (the balance portion) only with more lunges and pulses.  I don't know if that made sense but that's what it was like for me. 

Maybe I enjoyed it because I knew that my body is working on a routine and as I spoke yesterday about just doing the workout despite how much I didn't want to.  Two days ago, I just sucked it up and did the workout and last night [because of the previous night's disicipline] I just knew that it had to be done. 

I can't get healthier by not doing what needs to be done.

Day 5 is today and it'll get done.


Skype with Germany.

My wife and I, along with my son were able to skype with two of our best friends who currently live in Germany.  It had almost, if not, been a year since last talking to them on skype.  They get really busy with the things that they are doing there and we get really busy and we let that be our excuse.  We get to missing them a lot and hope one day to be able to go visit them in Germany. 

From the sounds of it, they enjoy being there -- it's been 6, 7 or 8 years now (I think) that they have been back and forth between the states and Germany.  Wow, I can't believe it's been that long either.

Anyways, it was really good to get to skype with them today and introduce them to our son Blake.

Also, Zach's wife Alyssa has been doing Insanity.  I never knew she had it in her.  Props to her!