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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Sound of Silence. Run Schedule. Weight Loss numbers.

Running to the sound of silence.

I was mid run when my mp3 player shut off. I knew it was going to end up dying before I even went out and ran. I was originally going to take the iPod out since there was no chance of rain, but it had even smaller battery life left. I chose the mp3 player to listen to for the short bit. When it died, it left me only with my thoughts and the sound of my breathing. I tried to figure out what most people do when they are without music and running and decided that I am not most people so I will try my own routine. I went through what my post tonight might say, what I might do tonight, and then just simply listened to my breathing. My headphones were still on so it kind of shut the rest of the small clatter of the world out for the most part.

I focused on my breathing. My right side was giving a little pain. It was because my stomach was pretty empty. I didn’t realize I was even hungry until I had left to go run and it was too late – I was already committed and there was no stopping me. I ran the 2 ¼ mile trip in 22:25. It was my fasted 2 ¼ mile ytd. I love improving. I ran the first two miles at a 10:20 pace and the last ¼ mile at a 7:00 pace but I couldn’t have kept that for another mile – I picked up the speed b/c I wanted to finish before my previous best.

Run Schedule.

I don’t have a normal schedule for blog postings as some do, but rather just speak my mind and what’s on it. I try to make each post as real, honest, and as encouraging as I can. There is enough negativity around us every day that we need to take every opportunity for something positive.

I have decided to create some sort of running schedule for myself.

Monday - Free run. It must hit the 2 1/4 mark and has no time goal attached to it. This sets the pace for the rest of the week.
Tuesday - 5k run. I would like to finish my first 5k under 31 minutes. It'll be tough as I see it right now, but something to shoot for it.
Wednesday - Wellness run. A new route. I plan for this to be something different from the normal routine. 3.5 miles mapped out route.
Thursday - three mile run. Keep my legs fresh run.
Friday - Fun run Friday -- how far can I go? I want to take it to 4 mile Friday. It seems like that would be a good name for it, but I have to work my way up to the 4 miles...who knows, I could do it no problem...we'll see I guess :)
Saturday - Rest. I will try to take a rest on this day...we will see how that works out. I understand the importance of rest and my legs will need it.
Sunday - Slow Poke run. Not sure how slow I'll actually be running, but not going for a lot of distance on Sundays. I hardly have time to get a good workout in it seems on Sundays. Very busy.

Before I forget – I ran my fastest 5k ytd yesterday in 31:43. I don’t want this to become a numbers game but since I am training for my first 5k I want to let you all know how I am doing for that.

Weight Loss Challenge.

As I’ve posted about, I started a weight loss challenge last week. The first week of the Six Week Weight Loss challenge is over and the numbers that are coming in for the weigh-ins are crazy! People have taken this very seriously and are taking back control of their life. Here are some more numbers for you concerning the challenge.

13 participants are in the challenge. All 13 challenger’s weights combined equal 2,831.9 lbs. In the first week, the combined total of weight lost is 43.8 lbs! I am pretty excited of the results so far! I currently hold the second most percentage lost this week with 2.32% of my body weight. I lost 4.8 lbs! I attribute this to the 30 miles that I did this past week walking/jogging/running mixed with the extra Shred workouts with my wife. I have been pretty meticulous with what I eat and when I eat. Without sounding like a broken record, this week has been pretty good! If you would like to watch and see how the challengers are doing – go check out the facebook group page here and request to join in on their progress and some quality conversations!

I also have to give a plug for Carol. She lost 2.6 lbs this week!

Who has been the biggest influence in your Weight Loss/Fitness efforts?