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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Going Off...

Thought I'd share a song from my workout/running playlist.


Texas Stew and lots of laps

I was wearing shorts in the afternoon and had to be in some heavy clothes this evening.  Temperature was near 50 and then snowing tonight.  Crazy!

Today was a good day though for some stew.  I made a recipe called Texas Stew.  It was delicious!  It has been one of my favorite meals so far this year that we've eaten.  Actually, it was awesome.

check recipe here
I really can't wait until I get to have some leftovers. 
Last night I got to play some basketball over at the church.  We had been having a lot of guys just show up that we had never met and causing some fights.  No fist fights but I do believe that it was heading there.  We had taken a break for a while from playing and that break helped weed out the guys that were the hotheads.
I noticed though that I was out of breath a lot faster than I used to be.  So...
that means that I need to get in better shape. I ran laps at the gym.


Fillings. Beards. and Wife

I got that filling fixed yesterday morning.  I'm so thankful for that!  When I got back into my office I checked out my facebook and saw this story...

(googled "clear facial piercing" for this pic)
I don't mind piercings and plugs and stuff as I've had multiple piercings. This just seems creepy to me.  Granted, I might have grown a bit of a phobia of dentists through my latest dentist experiences but I can just see the lens, or the metal from the loop, constantly knocking against my teeth. 

Anyhow, I'm DOWN to 208.8 lbs.  That's less than 9 lbs from ONEderland again.  It'd be nice to get down there.  Also, I've shaved my beard.

The beard reached just over 3 inches during that 3 month period (I grow a beard like a man...and some women).

Now it's trimmed 1/2 inch long beard.
And this is how my wife has been waking up next to me each morning...just to keep all of you in the loop.


1 Month Strong and down 10 lbs

Since posting the last time - I've been working at losing some of this weight.

I'm down to 210 lbs and have been soda free for 1 month now.

What has helped with the soda free deal is the dentist.  yeah, the dentist always tells you to not drink soda because of all of the acidic stuff in the soda or to at least drink through a straw.  Well, I do drink through a straw most of the time but this was much different than just a cleaning the last trip to the dentist.

I had to have a tooth extracted and it was a difficult extraction (and broke a recent new filling and you can't have all of the carbonation and such when the healing is taking place.  It's been pretty easy to give up the soda.  I believe the hardest part was the no drinking of soda during the Christmas dinners and New Year's party.  It worked out though for the best.  I go to have a temporary filling removed on Tuesday and the permanent one put in.

It was a crazy ordeal and one that I'll be glad to be done with.