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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


My First 5k! Crazy Runners. Satisfaction.

The race came and went. I was nervous about it because I had never ran an official 5k race. I didn't know what the whole environment would be like.

I thought to myself, am I crazy for letting someone put me on a bus and drive me out 3 miles so that I could just run back in?

Yes - I am crazy.

This is probably the only time that I would not be upset that someone drove me out to a spot and told me to run home -- and I did it without complaint. Ha! We runners are crazy. Some more than others.

Of course, after completing my first 5k today - it makes me reflect on what this past year has brought.

How about some 'Before' Facts?

I had never participated in any type of organized race.
I was 60 pounds heavier one year ago than now.
I ate whatever I wanted.
I gave advice to people on how to lose weight, but failed to follow that advice myself.
I got tired after one pickup basketball game to 15.
I couldn't run 5 minutes without stopping for good.
I gave up often, but disguised it as generosity to let someone else play.

I sweated in the winter.

Some 'Now' Facts.

I have placed in my first 5k.
I am intentional with my eating.
I am 60 pounds lighter.
I live my advice.
I outplay the teenagers in a pickup basketball game.
I can run 43 minutes without stopping.
I don't give up - I push forward.

I still sweat in the winter. :) (I am actually doing something now)


I finished my 5k with a time of 26'24".

In my age division - that was good enough for FIRST PLACE!! I won a gold medal in my first 5k ever! I'm pretty stoked. I know that with more competition that the 26'24" would not get me a gold -- but I am stoked about the time!

I pushed, I pushed, I pushed!

I succeeded.

Enjoy the pictures!

Thanks Jess and Ashley for sending me the awesome signs...I'll post what I can tomorrow! To all the others that wished me luck - THANK YOU TOO!