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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


This is why I like running. Eyes are open.

I ended up going for a run yesterday evening after my meeting. No excuses right?!  I was surprised when I got out of the meeting and that it had only lasted 45 minutes.  Those aren't the meetings that I'm used to.  I loved it.  There was daylight still to run in and quite a bit of it.

So I ran.  I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but that was the first time that I went out for a run in a long time.  I've been playing a lot of sports like tennis, volleyball, and basketball weekly - but going for a run hadn't happened.  It felt good to be out.  I stopped by an outdoor basketball court at the park and it is a tough crowd.  I don't mind the toughness.  I don't talk a big game, I just play.  Unfornately, I didn't get to play though.  There were a ton of guys, and a few girls, out there but I can tell that it's a "you gotta earn the respect by the regulars before you play much" type of environment.  I'm game with that - like I said, I let my game talk for itself rather than my mouth.  I like that moment when guys size me up and then get burnt by me - it's an instant show of respect when they play you tighter.  It's also a way into their lives.

My job is all about making relationships with people.  I'm a minister and I believe that showing people that someone cares about them, despite who they are and what they've done, that's when they may change their lives for the better.  They might think it's just a basketball game, but the basketball game just broke down the barrier between two very different lives.  There is a common ground and even if nothing ever grew beyond the common ground of sports - two very different people found a way to interact in a positive form rather than filled with negativity.  I don't like that they may have just smoked weed in the car in the parking lot, I may not like that they used the f*bomb four different ways in one sentence, and I may not like the choices that they make; that doesn't change the fact that they are still human and are capable of making good decisions when invested into.

My plan isn't to pry into lives or go change everyone to fit my view of a solid life, but to invest into people.  Right now - that way to invest into people at that basketball court is to keep my mouth shut and to play pick-up basketball.  It's happened before and maybe some day I'll have another opportunity to positively invest into someone that I've played basketball with and encourage them to better themselves in all facets of life.  I'd say that's a pretty cool way to break down walls between what may be a variety of different cultures.

Isn't that what we are trying to do with this whole health journey?  We're trying to better ourselves and today I'm challenging myself, from here on out, to seek out opportunities to encourage others while trying to better myself as well. 

I'm human.  You're human. 

Why can't we better ourselves together?

I'd say that was a good first, eye-opening, run.


Energy. One Thing.

You know when something clicks - it just feels right?!  That’s what I’m feeling like right now. 

I’ve been eating much better and staying within my calorie goal.
I’ve lost that ‘bloaty’ feeling.
I’ve been much more active these past two or three weeks than I have in a long time.
Last night, I was able to play some basketball and I had so much energy.  I had been missing that energy.  I just felt that I could run circles around the guys last night. * I love that feeling.*
So – I will keep going full-force ahead with this better health (as if I was going to stop anyways).  I plan on getting a run in today at some point.  I meant to get up this morning to do a run, but my phone died or something some time throughout the night because I woke up an hour later than what my alarm was set for and my phone was not on.  It’s nice to have a park across the street with a running path though – so I really have no excuse for not getting something in today.
I Do have a Question for you all though: 
If there was ONE THING that you could conquer in your better health journey (i.e. running, situps, pushups, etc.) – what would it be?


These are a few of my Favorite Things

I have hit 50,000 views!!  This may not be much compared to some of you, but I'm pretty stoked about it for some reason.  To celebrate the last 50,000 views - I give you some of my favorite things in the form of pictures!

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who helped me to this point on my better health journey.  It is never over and I hope that you continue to give encouragement and support as I hope to do for you! Thanks!

(last 3 pics not mine - using from google image search)


fitness pals

My wife and I enjoy good food and it is seems as of late that we enjoy good food too much!

We have some friends that have lost a lot of weight as well and they turned my wife to "myfitness pal" app.  I believe that I have used it before but I don't remember it being this good.  I went ahead and signed up so my wife wouldn't be alone in this and I am thoroughly impressed by it.

I've counted calories before and it was tough, but this makes it so easy to keep track.  Instead of having to manually type it (you still can easily), it has the QR code reader and it scans it (if you have a camera that reads them) and automatically enters the serving size.

Another thing that I've been doing is playing a lot of variety of sports here lately.  I haven't been able to do a lot running, but the other exercise defintely helps getting back in shape.

I really do enjoy being able to play sports and be active again.