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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Dreams. Aspirations. Pursuit. Because of you...

"So what do you do?"

"I'm a teacher and a preacher. It's fun."

"That's good. If you had the opportunity - what would you be doing; what is your dream?"


"Why don't you pursue it?"


This is a recent conversation that I had with someone. I left the conversation inspired to dream bigger and have much more enthusiasm for what the future may hold.

I usually have a pretty good grasp on what is taking place and hold a positive mindset for the future, but I will admit that sometimes I tend to view my dreams and aspirations as just that and not go for them for whatever reason.

I hate to admit that, but it's the truth.

In a part of my past, (what seems like a life time ago), I was told by a mutual friend of me and a girlfriend - that my girlfriend had labeled me as someone who just 'talks big but will never amount'.

That hurt.

I think I allowed that person to bring me down. It was by my own doing.

It is no more.

I surround myself with positive people. These people are ones that encourage me to pursue my dreams and aspirations. They make me better.

So, this is where I am at.

I have big goals and big dreams. I am in constant pursuit of those goals and dreams.

What does this have to do with Fit With A Purpose, fitness, and weight loss?

It has everything to do with you. You help push, encourage, and keep me founded on what it is I am trying to do.

We (you and me) are building Fit With a Purpose to be a community of encouragement, fierceness, and a logical path to success. When starting this site, it was an half-hearted attempt to simply keep track of a couple miles.

It has transformed though - because of you.

I have dreams -- BIG dreams -- because of your support and encouragement.

I have aspirations -- BIG aspirations -- because of your dedication and devotion.

I have success -- BIG success -- because of watching you succeed and push forward.

At some point - I will tell you what those big dreams are...but for now - you will just have to believe me that right now - I am living my life to do the most that I can.

I am not going to let this point in my life (where I am at right now) to be just a waiting room for the "Big Dreams", but to let this time transform into the Big Dreams.

We are not successful by accident.

We push. We strive We struggle We overcome. We drive. We run. We walk. We work. We swim. We lift. We move. We eat. We act. We dream. We aspire. We live. We laugh.

...and the best part is

...we are doing all of those things

...with purpose.