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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


ID6. Workout Room

Insanity Day 6.

I'm just going to start abbreviating to ID and than number of day.  So Insanity Day 6 = ID6.

It seems as if the only time of day that I find available to workout out is past 10pm.  I don't want that but it has been what I have found to work right now.  I'd love to be able to get up earlier to do it but it seems that when I wake up early -- that's all I have done is wake up and go slowly until it's time to leave for work.

ID6 was a good workout though.  It's probably the best that I've had so far.  I pushed harder, longer, and faster than any of the previous 5 workouts.  I'm not sure why but it felt good and I was beat at the same time.  It was the same workout as ID2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit. 

The level 1 pushups, which lead right into plank ski jumps, and then the up downs were the most difficult for me.  That is a workout!  ID6 is completed though and I love that week 1 is in the books, workouts anyways.  I think I may do a yoga workout on my rest days, which are Saturdays.


Workout Room.

I mentioned that I cleaned out a room in our house that was being used as a oversized closet with oversized shelves all around the room by the past residents.  Welp, I took out all of those shelves, painted the paneling with some leftover paint out of the garage [left here], and hung up a tv, a shelf, and some speakers.  I have also made a big Insanity Calendar on the wall.  On the wall is also the phrase 'Dig Deeper' and below that i have my goal weight of 175.  I find myself focusing on that wall when I do my workouts.  It's nice to have that reminder to go harder and faster, simply digging deeper.