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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

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2011 Goals List.

I am very resolute with accomplishing my goals list this year! Last year I set a goal to reach 1010 miles in 2010 -- I didn't make that goal, but I lost a butt load of weight trying to reach it. This year, I have a new set of goals.

Before I do post my new goals, I want to direct you to my achievements in 2010. Go here to see the list.

It was a great year in many ways! I set a goal to run 3 5ks. Well, I ran many more than that and placed in a few of them. There is nothing like getting medals after running in a race! I also completed my first 10k race in which I finished in 55 minutes something. I enjoyed it!

Here are my 2011 Fitness Goals:
  • Travel by foot 750 miles and bike at least 250 miles. This can be walking/jogging/running -- as long as I get it done.
  • Reach Goal weight of 170 lbs. It didn't happen last year, but it's not that far away!
  • Run in at least 10 different races with 2 races being over 13 miles.
  • Have my weight loss challenges go over 1000 total lbs lost!

Here are my 2011 non-fitness goals:

I'm sure there are plenty other things that I want to accomplish in 2011, but they'll will come as time goes.

I want to thank you all for encouraging me this past year -- you were a huge reason why I was successful!

What are your Goals for 2011?!