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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Run Art - FIDO the dog. Almost hit by car.

I don't have a lot of time to blog so let's get to the point.

Yesterday, I was super busy and didn't get to run. So busy in fact, that I forgot and missed a meeting - oops!

I was so excited to post my latest RUN ART and didn't get to yesterday - I didn't even get to run it. BUT today I did get to!

So, here goes it - This is my Run Art of "FIDO", the road dog.

FIDO covered almost 6 miles of road canvas. I went ahead and finished the .2 miles to make it an even 6 miles. I ran it in 58 minutes. Slow, but getting to my old form!

Also, some idiot almost hit me with their car when they ran a stop sign. Thank you God for quick reflexes and the ability to jump when I need to. Whew! Very close.


Steak Picnic. Self-Doubt. 3D imaging of Baby Boy

Today, I didn't do a whole lot. It was in fact a holiday and all - so why would I?!

It was a good day though today. I think I ate more than I should, but that's done with so no fretting about that. My wife and I thought that it would be a good opportunity, being a gorgeous day, to go to the park and cook-out. We figured that it'd be pretty busy there and that the shelters would be rented out, but when we got there -- it was just us. It was nice.

It wasn't a regular picnic either - we thought we'd grill steaks and corn on the cob. That's how we roll. I found a REALLY good dry rub recipe for the steaks and after getting the grill worked up just right (in the not-to-helpful wind), everything cooked beautifully. I think the steaks may have been the best ones that I have ever made, so flavorful!

Anyways, the food was really good and the weather was pretty awesome! That's always a positive.

After eating such an awesome meal - I hadn't fogotten that I still had my run to do today. I had to wear a long sleeve shirt for this run! It's strange that a couple days ago - it was 90 degrees in the evening and tonight, after I finished my run - it was barely 60 degrees. I did enjoy the cool air.

I decided to do more speedwork for a mental push tonight. The schedule said 3 miles, but in the back of my head - I know that I need speed work and I really am not fond of distances over 2 miles on the track. Being that it was so late and dark, I just went down to the high school track for my run.

Tonight's run was pretty good though. Even though I didn't go all that far on the track - there were times on the track when I just wanted to stop.

ONE thing that I need to work on is getting past the 'wanting to stop' mentallity and so what I did was...of course, I sped up the pace. I needed to show myself that I can maintain a faster pace than what I'm doing.

This Half Marathon is starting to play with my mind. I KNOW THAT I CAN DO IT, but I keep doubting myself. I keep thinking about a post I once wrote talking about Self-Doubt killing the Runner.

The funny thing is about the past 'Self-Doubt' post is that I was training for a half-marathon then too, just shy of a year ago (had to settle for the 10k due to move).

I was proud of that 10 mile run - it took a lot out of me to do it. I know that I don't need a ten mile run for me to believe that I can run this Half Marathon on the 24th, but mentally, as I said before - I need to be at a better place to enjoy the race and not just fear it.

That's what I'm working on...and some more RunArt. I've worked up Wednesday's run already - and it is probably the coolest run I'll have taken up to that point. I'm ready for Wednesday's run!

This has nothing to do with running - but definately with my life. I think I may have my hands full with our first child due in November.

Would you say that he wasn't too fond of getting his picture taken??


Run Art -"BuckTooth" and getting up early

I got up before 7am on a Saturday morning for what reason?! To run.

I don't think I've been up that early on a Saturday in a long time! Actually, It's not too often that I'm up before 7am on a weekday. Yes, I am lucky that I don't have to be in the office until 9am. Thankful for that! I have tried these past two weeks to get up earlier and make better use of my time than just sleep (of course I try to get adequate sleep, that's the best thing for a run!). I've been doing better - and today definately helped.

I get up, the sun peering through the windows at just the right angle that lit up a portion of the room. I didn't know that the sun peered through the windows in the morning like that. It really was weird. I looked around to see if my wife had turned a light on. As said, I'm not usually up before the sun so things are new to me at this hour!

Anyways, I made coffee and ate a banana and also some honey on a piece of bread for my pre-run fuel. Didn't forget to get some water in me either. I can't eat much before a run in the morning - totally slows me down. I had laid my clothes out to help with the motivation the night before which helped.

So, as with the theme of yesterday's post - I set out to attack my Run Art, my new running thing. I had mapped this out on mapmyrun yesterday so that I could run/paint it this morning. My long run was suppose to be 8 miles today, but this creation only took me 7.79 miles. I'll take it. This is my longest run of the year. I originally had created only the face, but when I got out there - I went for a body too...freestyle.

Meet BuckTooth

I ran the first 7 and walked the body portion of BuckTooth. I was done with my run before 9:30 came around.

It's weird to have accomplished so much before 9:30 on a Saturday. It happened though.

Anyways, I will have more Run Art creations posted as I do them. They are a super way to make running fun. They really aren't for you if you are going for time, but if you are going for mileage and want something different -- this is for you.

If you are on - hit me up: you can find me by searching MistrTyler.


Run Art. Check it out!

Hey All!

Great News! I found time to create a picture.

I know that doesn't sound like great news, but this picture was on approximately 5.2 miles of canvas ---- called road.

I was reading a blog the other day, and I cannot remember the name of the blog :/ , trying to find something inspiring towards running and such, something that I think is pretty typical of runners that want something new to do.

Anyways, I read of a guy that ran a route that when looked at from the aerial map view, it looked like the Apple symbol in honor of the now retired Steve Jobs. I thought that was pretty awesome and am pretty turned onto this idea. I don't know what it is called in other circles (and I'm sure it's popular in other places), but I'm calling it "Run Art". I have to admit that it is pretty FUN and gets you excited for your run! You should really try it. I have already mapped out my long run for my HALF TRAINING for tomorrow and I think you'll like it!

Check out what my run today looked like.

It takes time to map out, but makes your run seem shorter for some reason

What are some ways that you make your runs fun?!