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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Home Workout Photos and a Sad Day

I got a call about 2:00am this morning letting me know that my grandmother passed away. We did know that it would happen soon but it still isn't easy. She was a goofy, fun loving person but she was ready to move on. She was 92 years old.

I didn't get much sleep after that and was dragging all day long. I came home and took a nap hoping to get some much needed rest and energy and it was awesome. I slept so well after teaching today. I woke up and my wife said, "let's do Subway tonight"; good idea! We did Subway and I don't remember the last time it tasted so good. We ate it while watching the Biggest Loser. I have to admit that I have been going for the underdog black team to lose the most weight because they have lots going against them. It's always fun to watch and it's inspiring to me.

I took some photos of one of my home workouts today. I thought they looked pretty cool. Who knew that a chair and my weight would work as an effective workout?!

Chair dips = 3 sets of 12 dips

Inclined Pushups = 2 sets of 15

Chair lifts = 3 sets of 20

Chair squats = 3 sets of 12

1 MILER ATTEMPT # 2 -- 10 min 52 sec. (lap 1 on pic)

That's cutting 30 seconds off of my last attempt!

Calories: 1739 cal.

Workout: 1.52 miles