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January 22nd & Processed Vs. Fresh

Obviously, when we speak of processed food compared to fresh food, it is no secret that fresh food is the route to take. Speaking in terms of easiest to access, buy, and make - the competition is a little closer. If we take any care for what we put into our bodies we know and can attest that processed foods are not the healthiest decision and negate much of the work that we put into making ourselves healthy. Our bodies have trouble breaking these foods down, as pointed out yesterday in the comments of yesterday post, processed food can also have much sodium attached to it. When you sodium intake is poor - poor health conditions thrive (such as heart attack, exhaustion, stroke, etc.). This topic of Sodium will be discussed at another time though because right now I'm still learning. So, what I want to do is get some more opinions on the idea of Processed Vs. Fresh foods. Today...let's discuss the benefits of Fresh food. If you have additional information -- please comment below!

Fresh foods...

- ...contain natural vitamins and essentail nutrients
- to build immune system
- ...will help fight off harmful bacteria entering the body on a daily basis
- ...are able to be grown by the consumer (you)
- the digestive track (better digestion)
- ...lowers chances of obesity (a person can still get fat on fresh foods though)
- ...increases your chances of fat loss
- ...contain natural sugars which provides for the sweet tooth (fruits)
- ...provide energy

Now, these are not all of the benefits and I'm sure I am missing a few vital positive benefits of fresh foods. Please fill me in if I am. I would not be doing any justice if I just said that there are no setbacks to fresh foods. While they are the healthiest route - buying fresh costs money. If you are not able to grow your own vegetables or fruits and have no local farmer's market -- then you are left with the grocery store in which can charge crazy prices for very little quantity and/or quality. This is my solution though - stop spending the money at fast food joints and you will have more to buy healthy foods with. It's an idea.

Food Intake:

1. 1 1/2 cup of Cornflakes with 1/4 cup of walnut pieces.
2. 1 Banana
3. 4 oz chicken in fresh salad (romaine lettuce, cucumber slices, carrot shavings, tomato) w/Italian dressing
4. About 18 petzels
5. 12 oz diet pepsi
6. 3 peanut butter cookies - (small girl scout cookies)
7. 5-6 oz garlic herb chicken
8. Mixed cooks vegetables (squash, carrots, brocoli)
9. Sweet & salty peanut bar
10. 20 oz sprite
11. 60+ oz water
12. 1 cup plain yogurt blended with 1 banana, strawberry slices, mixed with frozen blueberries, blackberries, raspberries


Treadmill: I did not get to work out today-----not cool.

Miles til Goal: 982.76