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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


A Busy Life with Mr. Tyler. & a Simple question

I live a busy life. Sometimes I'm not sure how I even get most of what I do done. Between my wife (you are awesome), the two jobs, the workouts, the blogging, the reading blogs, and the master's degree work --- I am busy. These last couple of days have been even busier with Easter holiday. It was so nice though - my favorite holiday. Going back to work was actually a break from life today. I liked it.

House Hunt Update

We did look at a house on Saturday and then again on Monday. It is a nice little house and we like it, but there are a couple different things that need to be discussed before we go further on it. It would be nice to be owners of a place. The idea is rapidly growing on me.

Random Info.

I am heading up a weight loss challenge through a lot of my friends on facebook. I think it would be good for everyone involved. It will help me with providing quality information for everyone. I really like to give out what I know. I guess that is why I am in the professions that I am.

Too much.

I ate normal today but still feel a little full. I also have been taking Jess' weekly challenge in loading up with water -but it isn't really any different from what I normally do. I'm sure I'll get back to normal. I am really missing the running aspect of my workouts. My wife said she thought that my left leg felt a little weaker than the right. No good. I am out of the big brace though and walking pretty normal. It's only a matter of time. It can't come too fast either, especially with the 5k only a month away.

That's all today. If you want to check out the weight loss challenge - click here.

Do You find yourself talking to anyone that will listen about weight loss/fitness related stuff?