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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


New Layout. A House Offer. Awesome Magazine.


If you are a regular reader you can see that I have changed everything about my blog. I have kept the URL 1010in2010 for a while so that I don't confuse people right now. My thoughts are that - this is a change of life and the way that I live and not only one year thing. I still have my goal of hitting 1,010 miles during the year of 2010 but I want to go further than that. What happens when I hit 1,010? Do I stop? No. I keep moving and move with purpose. That is why I have decided to change the blog title to "fit with a purpose". This is my life. I have a story with daily struggles, successes, and knowledge to give and I want to share it with those that read my blog. This is the reason for such a change. I hope it does not confuse you and that you will continue to push me to reach that goal of 1010in2010. You should check out my first post that I had on this blog - who knew I'd come so far physically in such short amount of time?


We found a house that we liked and we are in the process of working up a contract. There are a few things that need to be addressed on it and it looks like we're moving pretty smoothly on that front. It's very scary and exciting to be, even thinking of, purchasing a house. I turn 27 in a few months and I feel that I just now am getting some ground under my feet. I like that feeling.

A new magazine to read.

I use to buy, and recently did, Men's Health type magazines and such, but I find that I only really care for the article that tells of someone's struggle with weight & fitness and how they changed their life. That is probably because I can relate with that. A lot of the rest is just filler and garbage.

I, however, found a magazine that I really Enjoy a couple months ago. It is called KC Fitness and it is a localized Kansas City fitness magazine. It is simple, knowledgeable, and fun to read. I do not mean for this to sound like a review b/c it isn't and I get nothing from expressing my joy in finding such an awesome read. I just love to read magazines and this one has hit the spot. New favorite.

What do you think of the NEW layout?! Don't be shy - tell me what you think.

100 Push-ups = check; Picture = check; Challenge = check.

As you know from a previous post about my April goals, I am attempting to do 1,010 push-ups in the month of April. I am currently at 270 so far. Last night I changed my workout up some so that I am effectively using my time instead of needlessly doing nothing. I've had to do this ever since my ankle injury. It's worked. I tweeted (MistrTyler) about something last night that I want to tell you about today.

Granted, they were not all at once - which would be awesome - but in five sets of 20. Here is what my workout looked like yesterday.

WORKOUT - a circuit of sorts
  • 10 minute warm up walk at comfortable speed.
  • 1 set of 20 pushups
  • 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches

  • 5 min. walk w/increased speed
  • 1 set of 20 pushups
  • 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches

  • 5 min walk w/increased speed
  • 1 set of 20 pushups
  • 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches

  • 5 min walk w/increased speed
    1 set of 20 pushups
  • 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches

  • 5 min walk w/increased speed
  • 1 set of 20 pushups
  • 1 set of 20 rope climber crunches

  • 2 min cool down walk
  • stretch
100 pushups last night!

In other news, I am leading up a six week weight loss challenge through my friends on facebook. If you want to join check me out on facebook (Seth Tyler) and/or the Challenge group page. There is a ten dollar entry fee and the one that loses the most percentage gets ALL of the entry fee. I think I might cap it at 20 people...we'll see. Go check out the challenge.

What has been the weirdest experience that you have had since starting your Weight Loss/Fitness Journey?