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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Moved. Office Pics. Fitness Suggestions?

So, we've moved. It's happened. Everything is now down at our new place. If you didn't get a chance to see our new place - my wife has blogged the whole move. Go to this post to check out the house; go to this post to see the actual move; and go here to see her recap of my 5k race :)

I just threw that last one in for fun!

I've found that it is pretty difficult to get quality [any] workouts in while in the moving process! Have you found that to be true too? After you work so hard to pack, load [by yourself] the truck, unload [thankfully w/15 people] the truck, and then unpack -- it's really hard to get in a run! I'm thinking about doing something completely different in terms of my actual strength training. As of right now, I have no strength training. I have the p90x dvds, but they do take sooo much time to do. I love p90x! I don't love the time required.

I have a friend who does Crossfit. He has had such great success with it - it's very persuasive. It also looks solid b/c of the time that it does not require. It requires you to go ALL OUT for the exercises that you get for that day. The differences that he has experienced is crazy cool. The only thing with this that I have noticed is that if you don't have a Crossfit affiliate near you, you probably don't have the right equipment to do it. Unfortunately, there is not an affiliate near me. I can do it on my own, but it costs quite a bit to get the right equipment.

I've got to figure something out. I'm stuck around the 185-190 lbs. I am so close to my goal of 170 lbs, but it feels like forever away. We'll see what I figure out.
What are your suggestions in losing the last 15 lbs?

Also, I thought I'd give you a little peak of where I will do my work from here on out. It's really kind of the office where everything gets stashed, but it'll work for me as I don't need a lot!

What has been the one thing that has propelled your fitness to another level?