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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


I Was. I Am. I Will Be. This is ME.

I was fat.
I was unhealthy.
I was 85-95 lbs overweight.
I was 255 lbs.
I was unable to run without taking breaks.
I was slowly killing myself.
I was a hypocrite.
I was unhappy with myself (wouldn't have told you though).
I was slow.
I was sinking.
I am not fat.
I am becoming fit.
I am able to run over an hour with no breaks.
I am giving myself potential years of life.
I am practicing what I preach.
I am happy with myself.
I am fast.
I am progressing.
I will be fit.
I will strive to be the fittest in the room.
I will run a half marathon and a marathon...
I will have given myself respect by being healthy.
I will have given my wife respect by being healthy.
I will have given my future kids the opportunity to experience their father in life.
I will continue to practice what I preach.
I will be happy with where I am.
I will be faster.
I will never stop progressing.
because I can.
This is me. This is a part of why I am here. This is my life.
This is reality.
Who are you?
Where were you at and where will you be?