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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Modified Half Plan. Night Run Thoughts. Believing in Yourself.

Today was another packed day. I went to bed knowing that I needed to get up early in order to get everything done. I didn't get up early at all. I was up before 9:00am though. I've been struggling with getting up early. My plan is to get up at 7:00am tomorrow and do my workout for week 1 day 3 of the modified Half training plan I created. You can view it here! It's a cross between Hal Higdon's and P90x. Looks promising to me!

After working today - my wife and I went to an auction where we find some pretty good deals. We did find some, but finding those deals took quite a long time. I was losing sunlight and losing sunlight fast. It was 8:30pm when we left the auction and started home. We live about 20 minutes from the place and the sun was no longer visible. This made me think of a few things that I hadn't thought of before.

(3.04 miles in 28'10" --- Day 2 of Half Training)

1. I need some type of reflective gear to run in at night.
2. Don't wait until dark to run. (duh!)
3. It's going to be different running in the cool of the day rather than the blistering heat.

I am getting back into posting daily after my many weeks away from home and my mind is getting back into that routine. I really wanted to have something solid to post today. As great minds do, I thought to myself - "I need to think of something profound to speak about as a grand entrance back to full time blogging."

Well, here is that profound thought: If you believe that you can not get fit - you will never get fit.

Okay, not too profound I know, but it is true.

I challenge you to believe in yourself.

Negativity only sets you up for failure. If you set yourself up for failure - don't be surprised when you experience failure.

Believe in yourself that you will be successful in this. There are a few ways that you can ensure this to happen; to make success happen.

1. Know why you are doing this - getting healthy.
2. Lay out plans on how you will achieve a healthy level.
3. Execute said plans one day at a time.
4. Evaluate periodically your plans and adjust where necessary.
5. Push harder than the day before.
6. Enjoy the experience - knowing that it can be bumpy sometimes.
7. Never stop believing in yourself.

There have been a lot of people so far this year that have stopped believing in themselves. I hope that you will not stop. The moment that we stop believing in ourselves and start believing that we can not do it, that we are not worth it, or that it's better to be unhealthy - we will fail.

Let today be the day you pick yourself back up and push harder than you have before.