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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Week 1 done. Weight Loss Challenge Results. Hydration needs.

Week 1 = Done.

I've completed my first week of the modified half-marathon training plan. It is, my opinion anyway, a solid plan to reach my goal of running the entire half marathon. I did have some struggles in getting the P90X completed after I had completed my runs - but I think that comes with time. I did my long run of 5 miles yesterday (actually 5.02! - ha) and I felt pretty good with it. I noticed that I was able to push myself even at the end of it. I always enjoy doing the longer runs only because it makes the shorter runs that much easier. My thinking is this:

If I can run 5 miles -- then the 3 miles in training is nothing.

If you look at the picture of my run (MistrTyler on - I almost ran completely around the town that I live in. It took me 52'46" to complete. I am very happy with this run because I had not run that distance in quite some time. My love for running is stirring back up inside - not that it had ever left - it's just showing its face a lot more.

Seth Tyler's Weight Loss Challenge
(is it weird I named it after myself...I don't think so :) )

The 2nd challenge is over and we have another winner! The winner was a female once again. She participated in the first challenge too, but came up short and did not win. The second challenge - she was determined to win and set out to win it all. I would love to put her beginning picture (from starting challenge #1 weight photo) and ending picture (challenge #2 last weigh-in) on this site - but have to wait for permission first. I can tell you her beginning weight and ending weight though with no problems.

She lost 14.4 lbs (losing 6.95% of body weight to win) this challenge and 10.8 during challenge #1 for a combined total of 25.8 lbs in just 12 weeks!

That is crazy awesome and we all are very proud of her hard work. There were other contestants that did just as well with weight loss. 2nd place lost 21.3 lbs (losing 6.69% of body weight) and 3rd place lost 14.2 lbs (losing 5.29% of body weight). The third place winner took part in challenge #1 as well and has lost a great deal of weight in just 12 weeks.

The 3rd installment of my six-week challenge will start on Monday, July 19th, 2010. It will be capped off at 20 contestants. It is just ten dollars to enter and the winner receives the entry fees as the 1st place prize. It really is a sound, encouraging, and beneficial weight loss challenge. It promotes a healthy way to lose weight. Go here to check it out and join! There are contestants already signed up - so do not delay in signing up! Go ahead and check out how and what the past challengers have done to succeed. Feel free to browse through the pictures and discussion boards to get a feel for how the contest is organized and ran.

I needed something.
When I was doing my long run yesterday - I needed water. I felt that it was probably time that I start thinking about how I will fuel myself during those longer runs. It would be nice though if I could just get someone to set up at different locations in order to give me cups of water or something to keep going. Until that happens, I will just have to use the hydration pack that I purchased today. I'm not sure how I'll do with something strapped to my back, but we will see. I needed something - so I got something.

How do you give your body the fuel it needs when working out?