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Blogger-Made Home Workout Challenge

You will have to forgive my weak attempt at looking fierce and strong on the treadmill. Ha. My wife snapped it a couple weeks ago while on the treadmill.

In my attempt to have you all create my home workout for one week - I had the idea of challenging you all to do it with me. I've been given some really good ideas for exercises to perform and have some ideas of my own. Do you think you have it in you to try this challenge?

The Blogger-Made Home Workout Challenge will start on Monday. The workouts will be listed by days with your choice of day for one to two rest days (not sure yet - suggestions?). The workouts will be sent via email the night before for the next day's workout. It will go from Monday to Sunday.

The idea is that we can workout without having to spend money all of the time. We use what we have in front of us and make due with what we have. Life can be hard sometimes and we don't always have the luxury of time to make it to the gym. If right now you do not have a membership to a gym - this is perfect for you. It should not take much time and I hope it pushes your body's limits and imagination. Exercise instructions will be given in the email - hopefully along w/a picture or link to further explain if questions remain.

This challenge will cost no money and all that participate will be entered into a drawing to win a $15.00 Walmart gift card. If you are out of the U.S. - we will figure something out around the same value for you to receive.

How to join this Blogger-Made Home Workout Challenge: (two things)

1. Comment below giving your email address (for ex: thetrickshot at hotmail dot com)

2. Link this Post to your Blog. (comment letting me know that you have done with a link back to yours)

Extra entry for tweeting this challenge - comment letting me know that you have done so.


I challenged you to challenge me - I have now returned the favor.

Get off of the couch and lift the couch!


Kenlie said...

This is such a fantastic idea! I'm fortunate to workout at the gym and at home regularly, and I plan to workout while I'm in Aruba next week.

But good luck to everyone participating. This will bring great results for everyone involved!

Shannon said...

I am totally in for the challenge! What a great idea.

I read your comment from my diet buddy post. I had to laugh. I read it after hitting the snooze button for an hour. I am not a morning person either, but I need people to work out with. If I skip out on my running partner, I have to give her $10.

-J.D. Humenay said...

Ha! Since I don't go to a gym (and managed to lose 8 lbs since 3/1) I might just have this in the bag!

Nikki Bond said...

Hey I want to join! My e-mail is I will post a link to your blog in my post tomorrow since I've already done one today. This is exciting!

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the encouragement and thoughts on my water intake. Love your blog and I really appreciate your support!

Shawnsthoughts said...

Will do sir... here we go...

Shawnsthoughts said...

posted on

email: shawnsthoughts @ gmail dot com.

twittered it as well...

Mr.s Gokey said...

email: lgokey02 @ gmail dot com

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the advice! I'm a recovering Dr. Pepper addict, myself. But I haven't had one since Lent began (I only mentioned giving up fast food for it in my blog, but the soda definitely left, too.)

I'm drinking only water and the occasional tea now, but I definitely understand where you're coming from with the 'dew.

Keep up the great work. =)

Alexandra said...

I'm in, Seth! My email is axm9237 @ gmail dot com, and I've posted in my blog, as well.

Can't say that I can lift the couch, though...But maybe I can. Not something I've ever tried before! :-P

Jess said...

Darn you Seth. You should just incorporate my weekly challenge into this super big challenge :) It fits!

But yeah, I'm interested. Let me know. I'll probably work it into my gym routine too (I have to pump iron). Email = jess at

Keep me posted!

zachariah said...

I just thought of a suggestion for the workout. Ride your bike everywhere you go.

josie said...

What a neat idea for a challenge!
josie phelps at inbox dot com

Jeremy Logsdon said...

I'm in. Let's do it. :)

Seth said...

@Everyone --- I sent all of you an email with the Introduction to the week's workouts. Be sure to check your email -- I'm pretty excited about all of this. There are three levels for each exercise and you pick which one. You'll see it all tonight in a separate email when I send tomorrow's workout.

zachariah said...

zmurphy at cccb dot edu
I posted a link on my blog and I tweeted you up.

Nikki Bond said...

To answer your question, I'm not sure if I will lose 1.5 pounds by wednesday! haha. But that's ok. I think my post (being that is the case) will be about focusing on where we have come instead of focusing on a specific # goal we may not have reached. We will see!

Nikki Bond said...

Just finished the workout. I couldn't for the life of me do the first move- but it might be because my legs are REALLY sore from yesterdays run. The rest were fine and I did level 1 or 2 depending on which one I thought I could do. Can I suggest maybe one or two more moves? It went really quickly for me.

Seth said...

I was unsure of the fitness level of everyone and how long to make it. I will add a few more exercises to make it longer and hopefully more challenging. If it goes really quickly - you may try to do level 3. Sorry if today was not challenging for you all...I guess trial and error works.

Unknown said...

This is great! I will try to do a backlink when I get home from work.