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A Running Guide for the Overweight Runner

There is a man that runs around my town all of the time carrying himself with no evidence of being tired. You may see him out at the park r...


Run Art - FIDO the dog. Almost hit by car.

I don't have a lot of time to blog so let's get to the point.

Yesterday, I was super busy and didn't get to run. So busy in fact, that I forgot and missed a meeting - oops!

I was so excited to post my latest RUN ART and didn't get to yesterday - I didn't even get to run it. BUT today I did get to!

So, here goes it - This is my Run Art of "FIDO", the road dog.

FIDO covered almost 6 miles of road canvas. I went ahead and finished the .2 miles to make it an even 6 miles. I ran it in 58 minutes. Slow, but getting to my old form!

Also, some idiot almost hit me with their car when they ran a stop sign. Thank you God for quick reflexes and the ability to jump when I need to. Whew! Very close.


Floriana said...

Sounds like a good run! Fun, too. It's always amusing to see your run art.

Karlie said...

New reader. That is awesome. I've never seen anything like that. Good for you. You look absolutely amazing.

Andrew @ 100 Pounds said...

Your road art is amazing. I'm going to need to do something like this once I can put enough pavement under my feet to make something worth looking at. Awesome idea!

Unknown said...

This is awesome!! LOve it!!